Hospitals are stumbling because of disinfo, they are starting to figure this out on their own... and learning the CDC & FDA & experts have been LYING TO THEM.

I trust God to wake them up.
Don't believe the worst of the fear porn going around.
Great Awakening is rolling on.
MANY people, conditioned to believe Trump is a liar, and the establishment is the source of truth, are being SHOCKED into reality.

Difficult phase in progress.
Pray that God comforts those who need it.
Prayer is REAL and moves unseen helpers.
Law of Heaven.

"Pray" -Q
Before shills falsely accuse me on this thread... I am NOT saying patriots engineered this AT ALL. They didn't.

I am saying a very real GOD knows what the enemy will do, and can make His own purposes come about anyway. [They] are like blind angry children stumbling in the dark.
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