This may be the first post in a thread about hills I often cycle...then again it may also be the last, who knows! Anyway, start point to many a ride, Norham Castle bank gets the legs working straight away!
A reverse view of the same hill, kicking off the 2016 'A Bridge Too Far' Sportive. One of my favourite photos I've taken.
Beautiful but brutal, the mighty Redstone Rigg is a bit of a right of passage for cyclists in South East Scotland. Recently a regular fixture in the Tour Of Britain, the pros make the 17% gradient look much easier than it is! Climbing for 5 miles out of Gifford it's a proper test
...For those in the know however it's not regarded as the hardest climb in the Lammermuir's. That accolade goes to the fierce stretch of road know to the locals as Elmscleugh. Viciously steep with a grippy surface this gem tucked away amongst the wind farms is a true lung buster
Before you even get to Elmscleugh however you'll have already had to tackle the equally demanding Spott Hill, otherwise known as 'Starvation Brae' for the way it has you gasping for air far sooner than you'd like. Double digit gradients galore this will test even the fittest.
A crowd pleaser, the most loved of the triumvirate of big East Lothian climbs is the picturesque road up on to the moors past Nunraw Abbey. No less challanging than its peers, the ever fluctuating gradient is matched by varied scenery making the suffering a bit more bearable!
Last one for the Lammermuir's (tonight at least) over the other side of Whitadder Water awaits Hardens Hill. A long drag out of Duns that always seems to go on much longer than expected. Never really giving respite, it cruelly saves its harshest ramps for the closing stages 😠
That's it for now, might do some more another day if I can be bothered. If you like this sort of thing get @100Climbs books/app etc, you'll love them, essential reading.
You can follow @Leighzybones.
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