THREAD: Hey Texas 👋 @GovAbbott has another press conference today. Typically we'd live tweet it, but we decided that while Abbott continues to parrot Trump, we’re going to highlight local leaders who are protecting Texans health & safety instead. Follow along! #txlege #COVID19
"Along with county judges from Harris, Travis, Bexar, and El Paso counties, @JudgeClayJ implored—practically begged—Abbott to break from his laissez-faire approach to handling the coronavirus crisis." #txlege #Coronavirus #COVID19
Since then, Texas House members like @GinaForAustin and @DonnaHowardTX have continued to hold the governor to account after he refused to actually say the words "stay-at-home order" during his announcement. #txlege #StayAtHome #COVID19
. @GinaForAustin and her staff even went around #ATX collecting masks to donate to health care workers so that they could continue to treat patients. #txlege #COVID19 #Coronavirus
While @GovAbbott has refused to step up during this crisis, local leaders have had to make the tough decisions.

Abbott's hands-off approach is shameful, & Texans should never forget the way he punted responsibility during this global pandemic. #txlege
Any leaders we forgot? Comment on this thread with local leaders and officials that you think deserve to be recognized for their leadership during this crisis! #txlege #COVID19 #Coronavirus
You can follow @ProgressTX.
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