PRC: "Tracing the origin of the virus is a scientific issue that requires professional, science-based assessment.

DT: "How professional and science-based was the claim published on March 12 by ..Zhao Lijian that 'it might be US Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan'"?
PRC: "...the WHO has named the novel coronavirus 'COVID-19'"

DT: "WHO also appointed Zimbabwean murderer Robert Mugabe as its Goodwill Ambassador...The WHO does a lot of stupid stuff."
PRC: "The effectiveness of PRC's epidemic prevention and control has fully underlined the ppl-centred philosophy of the CCP".

DT: "...PRC executed more citizens than rest of world combined. Pls tell us more about your 'ppl-centred philosophy' and how many bullets it requires."
PRC: "Is your judgement based on the well-being of the people or do you have an ideological prejudice?"

DT: "We will admit to an ideological prejudice against deadly tyranny. It’s a tragic failing on our part."
PRC: "...China is doing its utmost to support other severely affected countries."

DT: "1000s of Chinese-made coronavirus testing kits and medical masks exported to Spain, Turkey and the Netherlands turned out to be 'below standard or defective'...Thanks for all your help, guys."
PRC: "Virus respects no borders."

DT: "Why, then, did China close its own borders on March 28 – even while claiming victory over the spread of coronavirus?"
PRC: "Your recent coverage on the epidemic in China are exaggerated, full of irresponsible rumours and highly politicized."

DT: "Naughty us. Please send an official Dr Li Wenliang 'unfounded and illegal rumour' denunciation statement so we can sign it and be on our way."
a DT reader: "Please tell me that this response was actually sent back to [the Chinese diplomat]."

DT: "Even better. It was published on a double-page 6-7 spread in Saturday’s Daily Telegraph."
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