Expanding on my thoughts from today’s @AroundtheHorn:

We all want sports back. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. Allow for optimism in our heads-always!

Also: whoa is there a lot more we need and need to know when it comes to how/when to start our lives again.
We address the sports of it because that’s our job. And How can you not get excited about a Masters/NFL weekend!?! “Is that something you might be interested in?” Sports will be phenomenal when it comes back. Sooo many things have to get sorted out before we start scheduling.
Like, Here’s the schedule that matters now: getting to your window at the right time to cheer for the front liners.

Getting to the gofundme on time to support the small businesses in your life.

Getting the food, shelter and clothes to people who need it.

Staying home.
Here’s a schedule to hope for: when you can you see your parents or grandparents or kids again.

Or go to your job. Or, how in the hell to apply for a new job as every industry pivots.

That rent. That mortgage.

Those kids going to school!!!
Here’s a schedule that’s going to be one we can’t overlook:

how are we going to give our front liners who’ve pushed so far past E - AND our healing- AND our quarantined and ‘healthy’ selves, the space and time and access we need to recover MENTALLY.
What’s the schedule for us to restart, rebuild and reinvent all the agencies that have stopped or suffered- and especially those failed to serve our vulnerable, of which we now should say can be any of us at anytime- but which certainly affect some with more force.
Everyone is spitballing about how to get back, sports definitely has to be doing that. It’s going to be amazing. But a conference call with sports commissioners and NO doctors is hope w/ a whole lot of spit.

Let’s listen to the scientists & doctors schedule things out for now.
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