tw / choking, overstim, degradation

If you’ve been incessantly begging to cum so bad, why don’t I just let you, hm? Go on, slut. Legs apart a little more. I want you to watch as you feel my fingers inside of you a little too fast for you to bear.
Aw, it’s starting to hurt now? What a shame. Whining and crying for so long that suddenly you can’t take it. You asked for this. You’ll be asking for my other hand around your neck as the shakes kick in, too. You really think I was going to let you breathe while you came for me?
Don’t look so surprised as you’re struggling for air. Let your eyes roll back and cum all over my fingers as the dizziness sets in. You’re fucking worthless, you know that? You don’t even deserve the privilege of breathing whilst I make you hurt.
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