Talking about shutting down in-person voting, @GovEvers notes that the U.S. Surgeon General said yesterday "this is our Pearl Harbor moment." #COVID19
. @GovEvers: The number of deaths continues to rise.
. @GovEvers: We expect more deaths. We expect more tragedies. #COVID19
. @GovEvers says there's not a safe way to move forward with in-person voting this week amid the coronavirus pandemic.
. @GovEvers: "We've got to work together to keep people safe. That is the bottom line...There's no shame in changing course to keep people safe, and keep them alive." #COVID19
. @GovEvers says "people are scared right now" and adds that it is his job to keep people safe.
Andrea Palm, the secretary-designee of @DHSWI, opens by thanking Wisconsinites for staying home. She says that in-person voting would, without question, increase the transmission" of #COVID19
Palm provides an update on the latest number of cases and deaths statewide, but urges people to think of them as people, not numbers.
When asked about why he thinks this action is legal now, @GovEvers says things have changed in recent days, such as a shrinking number of polling places and increasing number of cases and deaths.
. @GovEvers added that Republican legislative leaders have twice gaveled in and gaveled out during the special sessions he called for, rather than taking up election changes. #COVID19
. @GovEvers says he decided to take this step, "since I haven't had much luck with the Legislature."
. @GovEvers adds that he believes its his job "to stand up for the people of the state," adding that he believes people are scared and care less about politics than their safety.
. @GovEvers says he believes the state Supreme Court will rule with me, adding that he believes the issue spans "conservative and liberal biases."
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