You know how many people were mocking the lower paid retail and health care workings who would have benefited from a minimum wage increase. Look who is essential now.
The direct care aids who work where I work start for under $12 an hour. They often work 64 hour weeks and second jobs just to make ends meet. They are risking their health and their families health to come and take care of people who can’t care for themselves.
Some places like @wawa and @dunkindonuts are offering free coffee to first responders and health care workers. I asked if this includes of this included aids in Long Term Care facilities and the answer I got was “I don’t know.”
I have no problem paying for my coffee, especially because I appreciate the staff of my local @Wawa who ask about me and the people I work with. I think it would be nice for some of my coworkers who are out here working every day.
Of course there a typo in the first tweet in this thread, so I’m going to re tweet it. If your out there working in a long term facility, nursing home or doing home health care, I just want you to know I appreciate you.
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