Today’s Chopped challenge: these came in my misfits box…what do… I do...with them
Going with a very buttery mash, thx all
SUCCESS. i peeled, chopped into chunks, boiled in salty water, drained, mashed, added (an unholy amount of) butter and some cream, lots of fresh black pepper, a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg and a dollop of sour cream. it's like a lil CLOUD
to be fair you could give a shoe this treatment and it would taste ok
beginning to believe the secret to any good recipe is more fat/schmaltz/richness than is likely sensible (it's just that instead of the julia child stick of butter on the chicken method nouveau recipes disguise this by calling for coconut cream, big glugs of EVOO, fatty yogurts)
the truth to what makes a lot of contemporary recipes taste good is that step at the end of a BIG dollop of full-fat yogurt or a scoop of tahini or an egg yolk cracked on the top; it's all julia's (DELICIOUS) thinking, just gussied up for the modern eye
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