Last Friday's @Gen_Con Game Night saw an amazing cast
@Banzaibabee @BestKindaWorst @JakiDash @RandomTuesday play For The Queen and as you'd might expect with that combination, it was positively wonderful!

Here's a lengthy gif (110ish) thread and 8 clips from the show. SPOILERS!
This thread has 1GBs worth of gifs, so keep that in mind, data wise. There is a Dropbox link at the end of the thread if wish to download any or all of these gifs

If you've yet to watch this session, I recommend you to do so, here's a link to the VoD:
"Alex Roberts when they accepted their ENnie for 'For The Queen'" -DreamTeam reenactment
"Chat voted for the fourth Queen" -The Queen shrouded in dark cloth and evidently most popular
"The X-Card" -Safety isn't optional, that's why its in the rules of this game.
"Why are some others jealous of your relationship with the Queen?" -First question of Game 1
"Markus' Egg Chef isn't certain the Queen has any interest in him as a Human"
"It's quite simple really..." -EvilDash
"Fear makes you pay more" -Queen's Financier, played by JakiDash
"The Financier commits mail fraud against the Queen"
"The Financier isn't concerned with continuing the war for profits sake"
"It's called Acting" -Why Claudia's Financier is such a terrible person
"Why Lauren's character, the Wardrober, beholden to the Dark Queen"
"Garment Jealousy" -The Queen's feelings about Wardrober's wife
"There's a distinct difference between Bards and Storytellers?"
"Rewarded with a scowl" - The Queen's reaction to the Egg Chef's meals, served twice a day for 20 years
"Egg Chef Markus welcomes you to join a party!" -digitally of course
"Touched by the Queen"
"The Queen's touch cost the Financier two weeks of their memory"
"The Financier introduces the Wet Tax"
"Explaining the Wet Tax"
"It is unlucky whenever it goes to 13, cause somebody dies" -The Financier about the Council of 14
"Queen Poison"
"The Storyteller, a Guild of 1"
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