A list of personal tips to bear this #quarantine a little more. (These works for me, but it doen't mean they will work for sure for everyone. I just want to share, bc, who knows...)
I'll add things everytime.
Sorry for my english.
1) Keep your mind busy. And by this I mean really busy. Do something you consider hard, like math exercises if you don't like math, a puzzle with an hard pattern, some difficult recipe etc...
2)Watch old movies or tv shows you like, or something new. Play videogames, read a book, draw, sing, play music... the important is, you have to do something that brings you joy or satisfaction.
3) Call you friends. Call your parents. Call ANYONE you care and talk about anything that is NOT the Covid-19 and the world's situation. We already know all that stuff and we are exposed to it all day long.
4) If the weather is sunny and you can stay on a balcony DO IT and do it as long as you can. The sun positively affects your mood. Me and my gf have lunch on the balcony every time we can.
5) If you feel your anxiety is too high, sit with your back straight and keep your shoulders open. Take a breath, keep it for a couple of seconds, than release it. Continue like this as long as you need. While you do this, visualize a relaxing place that brings you joy.
6) If there are days in which you don't feel like doing something at all, it's ok.
7) If you need help REACH OUT.
8) If you need to take some medicine, don't feel guilty about it. It's important mantaining you mental health stable. You are not weak if you can't avoid them. It's ok. (Of course first you have to ask to your therapist.)
9) Pet you cat, you dog or any other animal is there with you.
10) If you are in quarantine with someone do something fun together, but don't forget to take some time for yourself.
11) Try to think in a positive way. I know it's difficult at the moment, but the way you formulate your thoughts affect your mood.

There you are a interesting video about this:
(Sorry it's in italian)
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