One thing I learned about recovery is that... it's not about you not making progress because you don't want it enough! It's being understanding that it takes time, and to applaud yourself for the distances you do manage to traverse.
There isn't going to be a day where you wake up to a mental fanfare - and suddenly all your problems are solved. It's about finding the things that have changed, and being proud of the smallest progress. Put value in your own work - in yourself.
You're the base of the equations in your life - your relationships, your goals. It's important to consider yourself. You're valuable - because without you, your goals have no legs to stand on.
It's okay to need support, to need assurance from time to time, but you also have to believe what people tell you in order for the words to be more than just a momentary rush. Take the positive to heart as much as you do the negative.
Like I said - there's not going to be a day you wake up to fanfare. You're not always going to be able to believe in yourself. You're not bad for that! You're not hopeless! There's still a place for you! There's still love.
Good night! If you read this thread and thought, "this couldn't possibly be about me, my life can't get better from this low." You can take what you want from this thread! You will find progress.
You can follow @nyandroids.
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