this is totally doable.

The hobbits are users who are generally happy with what they have. Frodo was given domain admin access and is a brand new sysadmin. "I will take the domain admin privileges. Though I do not know the rites of administration."
The humans, as always are power-hungry ego-tripping short-sighted maniacs who want the power just because they see any lack of power as a threat to their authority. Like most management and executive leadership does.
The elves are thought leaders. They know shit, but nobody cares because what they want people to do is hard.
Gollum is revealed to be some sort of an ancestral hobbit and is therefore Burnout Frodo™️
Aragorn is the one developer who listened to the thought leaders, and implemented things The Right Way™️ the humans want him to do devops and take the domain, and Aragorn really doesn't want it. He does it in the end because he knows they can't be left to their own devices.
The ents are legacy devs. They just want things to be the way they were™️
The wizards are of course your greybeard sysadmins and whitehats. They know shit, they advise, they know arcane rituals to get things running again. Saruman defected to blackhats because he was sick of being shit on.
The dwarves? Well, aside from being dead, they're business enterprises who delved too deep and paid absolutely no mind to security and ended up getting bent over royally for it. Sony comes to mind here.
The eagles? consultants. Wait until everything is resolved, swoop in, and steal all the credit to create an APT report.
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