[From today's WaPo, no link because trump's horrible mug]

Put yourself in Fauci's shoes.

No really, try.

Pretend your field of expertise and experience is crucial to saving lives right now and that you have plenty of both.

You can't tell the truth because the dictator you're shilling for cuts you off and discards your expertise on a whim and for his own gain and profits.
Setting aside the tainted wisdom of shilling for a demented sociopath *in the 1st place* ~

When do you reach the point of walking away rather than let yourself be used as a prop in the daily reality propaganda TV shit shows that are now trump's substitute for his hate rallies.
At what point does one become complicit in American mass deaths, caused by POTUS neglect, arrogance and incompetence?

The longer Fauci continues his boot-licking, subservient role, the less his expertise and fame will matter. He's now rapidly shedding credibility and good will.
I've said it before and will do it again:

Fauci is no hero, he's (practically) a collaborator.
[If you disagree, pls take a number. I'll get back to you in 4-6 wks. And pls spare me the Fauci HIV fawning. I was there in the 80s, in the thick of it. Fauci, like the POTUS he worked for, said nothing about it till more Americans had died of HIV than in the Vietnam War.]
A hero would do a lot more than contort his face into what must be painful expressions when trump lies and distorts.

A hero would have no part in these propaganda pressers that actively endanger American lives.
A hero would use his surging fame, walk away from the daily disinformation cluster flock and call his own pressers, where said hero would tell the truth to the American people.
Of course there would be consequences <waves at Col. Vindman and Cpt. Crozier>.

But the consequences of remaining subservient to pure evil as Americans die by the 1000s are orders of magnitude worse, as well as morally and ethically indefensible.
The fact that many Americans now look at Fauci as someone deserving of trust and praise dramatically illustrates how horribly US public discourse has devolved into little more than aggressively toxic messaging.
The American people are so starved and desperate for competent leadership during the #covid19 crisis that someone like Fauci --even in his craven submission to trump-- is damn near taking on heroic qualities.
So please, can we stop salivating over someone who, on balance, does us no favors?

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