One thing that I hope we learn from this experience: most "experts" know a whole lot less than they want us to believe they do. And many of them are lacking in basic common sense.
A second thing that I hope we learn from this experience: there are a lot of wicked smart people in both business and medical science who are going to get us through this like champs. We need to be giving them maximum liberty to do what they do without government impediments.
I’m not talking about just for the duration of the pandemic. I mean permanently. We need to rediscover individual liberty in both its personal AND economic dimensions.
Remember: the essence of political power is the power of the gun. In the end, all government can do is point guns at people and require them to act in certain ways and not others. It doesn’t actually create the goods and services that we have too long taken for granted.
One other thing about "experts": in political philosophy there’s no need for experts. The essence of politics/government hasn’t changed since we crawled out of caves. We all have the common human experience and common sense that enables us to judge how best to organize society.
If you think that our ancestors can teach us nothing about politics today, read the tweets and other writings and speeches of the average politician — and then go read a few pages from The Federalist Papers. Who would you rather have govern us?
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