"radiation from the [Chernobyl] accident is still present in the 2,600-square-kilometer (1,000-square-mile) exclusion zone that was set up around the site"

Can you imagine a 1,000 square mile exclusion zone around the Indian Point reactor that's just 25 miles north of NY City? https://twitter.com/dorfman_p/status/1246725703049109504
1,000 sq. miles = 100 miles x100 miles

So if you're 100 miles from Indian Point you could be forcibly relocated if there was a similar accident there

Each of the plant's dry-storage containers for used nuclear fuel contains more radiation than was released by Chernobyl accident
So you might want to write to the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRC) about a 42-inch high-pressure gas pipeline the Federal government allowed to be built right next to that nuclear plant

NRC's own Inspector General's office wrote a scathing report of the supposed "risk assessment"
Here's a link to the Inspector General's Report:


The same company has other pipelines on Indian Point Property: it "built a 26-inch diameter natural gas pipeline in 1952 and an adjacent 30-inch natural gas pipeline in 1965," before the plant was built.
Now the owners of Indian Point are considering selling it to be decommissioned (demolished) by two companies that have a long history of bribery & fraud

If not stopped, those companies could be moving heavy construction equipment over these gas pipelines in a little over a year.
The NRC has already postponed some decisions on nuclear plant licenses so it must not approve a license transfer for Indian Point

It must also help shut off the 3 pipelines that currently threaten an unimaginable catastrophe!

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