1/ Exactly what I've been talking about: that over the next few weeks the public health establishment is going to try to count #COVID death cases in a way and with a *precision* that we never have before with any respiratory virus that primarily kills the old and very sick... https://twitter.com/joshtpm/status/1247211149898194949
2/ That I am putting *precision* in asterisks because, frankly, we can legitimately argue whether a gravely ill 80-year-old with, say, CHF, who dies after a two day cold/flu should be considered as dying from the flu at all...
3/ But that this argument is not going to be heard in the next few weeks, because given the extraordinary cost of these, a LOT of people - in the media, in public health, in politics - have a stake in justifying them. So that's wtf I'm talking about. We savvy?
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