What I’m currently reading! Yes, I have a too many books at once problem. See the thread below for why I chose to read them:

#read_in https://twitter.com/socsciscotland/status/1247118790988574720
1.Transgender Warriors: Felt it was a must read as a non-binary person as Feinberg lays out a history for all of us who don’t fit into gendered boxes. It’s also significant to my research as it emphasises the importance of recording diversity.
2.Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme: I’ve been wanting to read more anti-essentialist sex positive feminist work & this had been recommended to me. It also reflects that a butch identity such as my own doesn’t have to be a cis lesbian identity.
3.The Trans Space Octopus Congregation: I was on the hunt for some escapism and find short stories helpful when I’ve been in a reading slump.
4.Hope in the Dark: I originally picked this up after the general election. I was hopeing it would help keep me motivated for activism. Now I picked it up in the search of something up lifting. Problem is it seems quite distant to the world we are currently living.
5. The Trauma Cleaner: Started listening to this long before all of this started but it has a particular relevance now as it discusses the essential and often overlooked work for truma cleaning. Not sure how I feel about it yet though worried about the authors bias as an observer
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