The JCO and his squad started the chase in order to reest the contact. At around 0830h contact was re-est. As the JCO along with *Amit n Chhatrpal* were trying to close in with the terrorist using a slight detour, unfortunately the snow gave in n the three of them slipped 1/n
into the nala right in front of the terrorist. Despite the set back n with grevious bullet injuries, they fired back n killed two terrorists. *Ptr Amit* sustained 15 bullet injuries while the *JCO n Chhatarpal* also sustained numerous bullet injuries. *Hav Devender n Balkishan*
rushed in to extract their comrades charging in without caring for their safety. They eliminated the balance two terrorists. One of the terrorist, the fifth one managed to run down the nar, but was eliminated by the *stops of 8 JAT*. The squad of *4 PARA(SF)* fought bravely
despite initial setback. _*A true saga of courage n camaraderie.*_

♥️ *Just Like That - They Are Gone
They launched like every other time..Comn check, Eqpt check, Wpn check, Med check....But this time they never came back.

There were no last letters for just in case...No last calls to tell one more time...No recorded videos for posterity....No last wishes on Radio...
when they lay bleeding with their guts spilled but still fighting. But they never came back.

They launched like ghosts in the dark, fought like the warriors in the solitary night but only came back silently, draped in the tricolour.
The rotors whirred....the drop made in the green glow....The arduous 4 hour journey began....

_*As the world lay quarantined, made prisoners in their own home by a Virus...*_
The buddies advanced nonchalantly..fearlessly ..confidently.. with purpose. The squad moved as one.
UAV had spotted a track of 5. Tracks were seen in snow going along in a nallah. The two squads were launched to track the ghosts. Hours later, the squads were confident that the tgt was near.

The Squads separated along the two shoulders to box the location. Night was dark and
the access slanting and steep, but that is why the specialists were there. It is what they do, that is what they are specialised in.

And then the tragedy unfolded. Along the cliff, on the shoulder on which the right squad was moving - The complete snow block collapsed,
taking the Squad leader and the two scouts down all the way to the nallah...
All three fell straight down to what emerged later to be within 2 metres from the hiding 5.

The area was lit up..The three were taking fire..The squad was under intense engagement.
The remaining two of the Squad went ballistic... *Self preservation mode was off..* They jumped and ran into the fusilade for a fighting extraction..

The 4 trts ☻got an opportunity to pump a few magazines out before they got the tap for eternal silence. The fifth ran to meet
his end with the stops. All 5 lay dead.

But, d whole squad paid the price. 5 Gallant men are down

They launched, But they never returned

एक दिया इन वतन के शहीदों के नाम

Jai Hind Jai Hind Ki Sena 🇮🇳
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