I usually stay in my lane and just grind hard and make sure to provide you guys a good service, but there is something I have to get off my chest. Rant of tweets incoming....
I respect the grind and hustle. I don't mind the random new coin seller that pop up everyday; however, all these "traders" turning into "coin sellers" are just going to end up ruining the snipe method in the long run. It's 100% going to be gone by FIFA 21 at this rate.
It sucks, but it's not going to last. May even get taken out well before then. I get there is money involved, but if you are looking to get into this, be prepared to dedicate a lot of time to make sure people get A-class service.
And also, get creative. The amount of copy/paste giveaway to gain a following is not going to get you anywhere. You gotta grind hard and make sure people are taken care of and then the customers will come. Doing giveaways will not make you into a top tier coin seller overnight
With that said, I have the utmost respect for many of the others out there and I speak and give advice to many of you who DM me. I don't mind competition at all, its healthy for the industry. Just this method is going to get nuked and it's going to suck for everyone.
For the record, this is not aimed at one person lol. There are literally 20 coin seller twitters that pop up on the daily.
You can follow @FUTCoinSniper.
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