Alright, so here is my long Resident Evil 3 Remake thread.

If you're not interested in reading the whole thing, here is a tl;dr from the get go.

Wait for a sale, it isnt worth full price, and if you've never played an RE game b4, play RE2 Remake instead.
I'll start by saying I dont think this game is a faithful remake, nor a worthy re-imagining like RE2 remake was. It's not just about the cut-content either (which I'll get into later when I talk about the tacked on multiplayer stuff)
There are many downgrades in this game when compared to RE2r. Sure, they added more zombies than RE2r in any given area so some downgrades were necessary to work on console, but it effects more than just visuals. It effect gameplay aswell.
RE2r was consistent, for example, if there was a "sleeping" zombie that is coded to jump scare you when you backtrack through an area, a "leave no body un-tapped" player like myself you check to make sure it's dead on first encounter.
And if a dead body isnt coded to get up at all you would still get the feedback of the bullet or knife impacting the dead body with dismemberment, blood splatter, ect.

In RE3r however, there were multiple instances of neither of these things happening.
Some dead bodies simply cannot be effected by the player at all, and some of those bodies do infact pop up as a zombie when backtracking even if the player tried to "tap" them on first encounter.

Worse off is that this is not always the case. Sometimes you can do it, others cant
Then there is general visual downgrades. If you watched @maximilian_ 's playthrough you'll know what these are. So assets look godlike with the RE engine, and others look like 360 launch assets they are so bad. Also, the zombie mechanics had downgrades from RE2r
If you shot of limbs in RE2r, those limbs could fall off and be their own assets in the game world for the rest of the game. In RE3r however, limbs simply explode and disappear from the game world.
Now let's get back to inconsistent mechanics and gameplay, because there is more and this is the big deal why I think this game is kind of a slap in the face at times.
Spoilers from here on btw.

So, Nemesis can drop Umbrella Corps supply boxes if you manage to down him outside of his boss battles, which is a nice callback to the original RE3, then you get to a part of the game where he gets a flame thrower.
He chases you for this section, and if you are like me, you died a handful of times trying to down him as he chases you. Turns out he is invincible during this chase unlike every previous encounter. Ok, that's fine, the section ends with a boss battle against him.
Then a little later he chases you again with a rocket launcher, however, THIS time he isnt invincible and the supply crate mechanic can be used in this section despite playing out almost exactly the same as the flame thrower section.
BUT THEN during the same rocket launcher chase there is a part where he is invincible AGAIN and you can get a supply crate.

WTF? I just want the game to be clear about what mechanics are in play at any given time. These 2 chase sequences are almost exactly the same, yet ...
so there is no telling which parts you can and cant do something.

Another inconsistent thing is the key card on Brad during the RPD section. In the RPD there are boxes that require a S.T.A.R.S. ID card to open.
I knew Brad's little shelter under the entrance was a thing, so I avoided the brad zombie to check it out. Nothing. My goal in this area was to reach the STARS office, so I figured it's in there and I'll have to backtrack with the ID to open the boxes.
But nope. Entering the STARS office is a point of no return. The key card was on the Brad Zombie the whole time. The only time in the entire game a zombie enemie is carrying a key item. I imagine many old school RE players simply didnt want to kill the Brad Zombie
So yeah, that was annoying.
Last thing I want to bash the game on is that intro. I both lived it and hated it. I thought the calm parts inside Jill's apartment was great. I dont expect every game to thrust you into the action right away, so this was a nice setup section.
But the moment Nemesis turns up, my praise for the opening ends. The escape from Nemesis is one of those walking sim sections where you either run forward through semi-cutscenes, or get cutscene insta-gibbed. This is really unfortunate considering two things:
1st: Nemesis is actually really fucking awesome shortly later in the game. Why they needed treat me like a baby and hold my hand for Nemesis really makes me hate the intro to him.

2nd: They did the first Mr. X chase in RE2r so much better than this.
It would have been awesome if the jill apartment escape was just a regular nemisis chase. Maybe nerf him a bit since this would be the first combat section. Make him only do 1 punch at a time and use his tentacle grapple and that's it to show the player to not mess around.
Then have the objective to simply move from floor to floor to escape, using different apartment rooms and fire escapes to kit Nemesis around until you can make it out.

But naw, cant have nice things.

Instead we got: take 5 steps, cutscene, take 5 steps cutscene, for like 5 min.
Now I'm just getting worked up about how bad some sections of the game are, so I'm gonna take a break in this thread and come back later to finish it :( I'll say some positive things when I get back.
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