a.c.e as stereotypical high school students:

a thread
popular kid

-leader of the school
-everybody has a crush on him
-plays some sports but not considered "jock material"
teacher's pet/class nerd

-smartest in the class (duh.)
-huge nuisance in the class due to being "teacher's pet"
-usually found in the library studying, tutoring, or reading
class clown

-high school's #1 pranker
-doesn't comprehend the words "sit" and "quiet"
-says donghun and him are best friend ("LIES!!" he always says)
ghetto girl

-always eating ANYTHING in class and crinkles the bag
-talks obnoxiously loud
-doesn't know what personal space means
quiet kid

-will never say anything unless provoked
-always on his laptop during classes/breaks/lunch
-is said to carry a "bomb" but it's just his grandma's fruitcake
-end of thread-
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