Hello, MCND stans.

We’ve discovered that a sasaeng is selling private information, not only from MCND, but of the majority of Korean idols and actors, all of this collected in a catalogue which includes all types of information.

We would like to please ask you to help us report this account and, above everything, spread this thread so that it reaches as many people as possible.

Here we’re going to attach the document that collects all the information about the idols, next to the instagram account that needs to be reported:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilsasaeng111/?igshid=1n30ord20bspg

Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-0MgiJrjshzYhIREBi6WDkaZXsWPa-RT_DGJEDq97EI/mobilebasic

We are also writing a brief to send it to Top Media, so they can act on it in the way they consider more appropriate.

When it is done, we will spread it on our social media accounts so everyone who wants to send it to Top Media, can do it.

If it’s possible, please share this thread so it can reach more people, so we can stop this situation, which affects all idols, together and as soon as possible, because they are idols, but on top of that they are real people.
Another person just found out that this girl also has a twitter account, so please, report her here too.

- https://mobile.twitter.com/lilsasaeng111__?s=09

Thank you so much in advance,

The team of MCND Spain.
You can follow @MCNDESP.
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