As the kid of immigrants, the "Karen is a racial slur" business is hilarious.

My mom named me Karen (and gave my siblings' American names) partially bc she wanted us "to fit in" in white society.

She knew back in '86 that being a "Karen" would give me a sort of privilege.
For the record, when I was a kid I asked my parents to let me change my name legally to "Nicole", (my middle name) but they wouldn't let me.

And now, y'all white Karens are acting up. Maybe I knew this day was coming.
"Karen" is not, and never will be, the "N-word" for white women.

"Karen" has not been part and parcel of centuries of violence and state-sanctioned oppression.

The N-word was a tool of white supremacy. "Karen" gives the historically oppressed a tool to discuss white supremacy.
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