4/6/2020 - Good afternoon everyone. Starting a thread to talk about this screenshot which is currently circulating. The screenshot relates to claims that trafficked children are being saved during the COVID-19 crisis.
Here is the text of the supposed quote from a "Buzzfeed hit piece," which I can't find. If someone can find it, would appreciate.
"Part of the evidence-free QAnon conspiracy theory is the baseless claim that thousands of children are secretly being held captive by the rich and powerful, trafficked in tunnels under major cities."
"According to those in the movement the Mercy hospital ship is being used to covertly rescue these children from sexual slavery and they are being treated at the Central Park Hospital."
I actually have a lot to say on this topic, and will do my best to keep the train of thought as linear as possible.
The first thing to know is that elites think ordinary people suffer from impaired cognition, which causes them to disregard rational thinking. As a result, the elites believe it necessary to infiltrate and divert the discussion.

Now, why do elites think ordinary people suffer from impaired cognition? Because it's a defense mechanism. It's easier for them (perhaps in their dissociative state, in their "front group" personality) to think that we're crazy, than that they're affiliated with pedophiles.
Freud said that "jokes are the royal road to the unconscious," and sometimes you will see that elites (eg anointed no-talents) make "jokes" about pedophilia, which they can then disclaim if they're called out about it.
Sometimes they show themselves to us in bizarre costumes. Sometimes they make up trends. We don't really like these trends. We watched about 1 minute of a Justin Bieber video last night where he was dressed in a girly way. We turned it right off, and we don't all believe in Q.
I remember when I was about 10 years old my father used to learn Torah on the Sabbath with his friends. There was one friend in particular who was always making sex jokes around me. I felt very upset by it. I shriveled into myself, running upstairs every time he showed up.
The point is, there is a part of ourselves that can sense what is true. It is what they call "the gift of fear." We biologically know when we are being threatened. We also know to seek help. That is why we gravitate to truth-tellers.
On a broader level, elites tend to have a deep-seated fear that ordinary people are angry at them, are going to attack them one day and take everything.
Elites fear this because they don't exactly know why they have so much more than others, and they are afraid of the wrath of those others. Therefore (this is a socio-psychoanalytic perspective) they must convince themselves that the masses are inferior - not worthy.
It follows then that whenever the masses believe something, the elites will try to show how the masses are wrong, stupid, etc. and "need guidance."
To continue. There are other social phenomena at work. Sometimes victims tend to disclaim the experiences of other victims. This is because, quite simply, they cannot handle it.
I remember one time my husband came back from cybersecurity training. His face was ashen. "There is no computer security."

When you learn about things related to child sex trafficking, you feel the same way. "There is no child security."
A former client (freelance writing) is a social worker who lives in the ultra-Orthodox community and watched as they methodically ignored, denied, discredited, vilified and tormented victims of child sexual abuse.
Some things are better today, some things are worse, but she has a sensitivity that others do not have about CSA. So for example, when she sees children playing alone in synagogue, and nobody is supervising them, her mind immediately goes to: who is protecting young from old?
I point all this out as a way of bringing up the notion of "defense mechanisms." Defense mechanisms are how we protect ourselves - mentally, socially, economically, and so on - from the implications of knowing the truth.
On "Couples Therapy," a wife is upset that her husband drinks occasionally.

But the issue is hers: immature, druggie parents, and she had been domestically abused.

Her emotions about "loss of control" were a defense around remembering.
Now, think about all the headlines you read: "BASELESS THEORY" they scream at us. "WE DON'T HAVE THE NUMBERS" they scream at us. "CRAZED CONSPIRACY THEORISTS" they scream.
However, as we know, very bad things can sometimes be true. I know you are sick of me talking about the Holocaust, but it really is the exact same thing.

Even the Jews thought - you all must be absolutely crazy - because nobody could even conceive of such a thing.
If you have no bias in the matter, then you must allow for the fact that very bad things can be true, even if you don't know anything about them.
In this case, we are talking about a couple of very bad things at the same time.

1. Child sex trafficking with (multi-)government complicity
2. Child sex trafficking in underground military bases
3. Underground tunnels through which sex trafficking victims move.
Now, is it possible that those things have happened?

The answer is obviously: yes.
1. Child sex trafficking with multi-government complicity

Two words: Jeffrey Epstein
2. Child sex trafficking in underground military bases

Well, do underground military bases exist?

Do we know what is going on there?

3. Underground tunnels through which child sex trafficking victims move

Are there underground tunnels in the US and other countries that connect underground cities?

Do smugglers move people through tunnels?

Why is this inconceivable?

(Leaving out specific scandals)
The next question becomes, again, leaving out specific scandals, it is conceivable that @POTUS would use a military mobilization for the purpose of saving children?

Why not?
The two things (a pandemic that many believe to be a bioattack; a series of operations aimed at saving children from hidden facilities) are not mutually exclusive.
(Leaving out chatter that @POTUS is obsessed with this topic)
We know that eliminating child sex trafficking is a top priority of the Administration

(Leaving out the part where we battle over numbers)
The final thing is, I wonder how any media organization can claim a theory such as this to be baseless.

I can't call it definitive, but (correct me if I'm wrong) they haven't even asked the question.

Moreover, if something is a secret operation, they aren't going to know.
It strikes me as odd that the same people who claim to be champions of marginalized communities have total contempt for people who come forward as victims of serial ritual child sexual abuse, or any sexual abuse.

It seems like only certain victims matter.
@threader_app compile
Thank you @RealButchasblog. https://twitter.com/RealButchasblog/status/1247206927307804673
This is the quote.
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