As I suffered through “The Tears of Karen”™️ yesterday, I noticed a lot of WW continue to push this idea that Karens are upper middle class and higher...
See, this is false. To Karen, you don’t have to be anything more than a WW. But WW want to limit Karening to the economically blessed so as to distance themselves from the risk of being called...a Karen
As a BW, I can assure you Karenity knows no class status, no bank account balance. WW can be Karens just by virtue of being WW.
Ex: When I worked at disabled Jesus camp, a coworker decided she wanted to tell me how to do a “chore”. I was doing it in a way that worked for my disabled body. When I told her this, she pushed. I repeated myself. She yelled at me...
SHE YELLED AT MY GROWN ASS. Not only was I older than her, at the time I was considered a higher SES than her. I told her not to yell and she said “I’m speaking firmly to you” and promptly “called the manager”. I was reprimanded. She Karened!
So anyway that’s why we don’t let WP define the terms we use Bc they most certainly will exclude anything that might put them in that group.
In conclusion, You can Karen or Chad bc whiteness and the privilege that comes with it runs up and down the SES ladder.
Epílogo: Karening is not just doing annoying or inappropriate things. It’s weaponozing white womanhood and thus placing the nonwhite person, usually Black/Brown, in dangerous situations: physically or economically. So basically she does racist things.
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