The glee with which Democrats and MSM report (or even hope for) every scrap of bad news regarding this virus, leads me to believe one of two things:

1. This was a planned event to take down Trump.
2. This has been USED by Dems/MSM to take him down.

Either way...
consider the ramifications of what we're seeing & hearing.

Thankfully, Trump's actions have kept us ahead of the worst that "could have" happened. I believe we may be at or near the zenith of this. We'll soon resume normal activities.

The one thing that can never be normal...
is how we relate to Democrats and MSM. They must be stopped and that is up to every one of us, at the election box and our TV box.

WE hold the power to take them OUT OF power!!

Pray for @realDonaldTrump who has borne a heavy load for us all.
Finally, we must return our nation to its moral roots. That calls for each of us to return to or find a house of worship.

To dedicate ourselves and our families to rightfully PUT GOD FIRST!

One nation, under God, with liberty and justice FOR ALL!!
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