I’m gonna recreate a 5sos photo every day until one of them follows me!
Day 2: @Ashton5SOS recreation with the @5SOS merch
Day 3: @5SOS CALM cover. This took way too long! @Ashton5SOS @Luke5SOS @Calum5SOS @Michael5SOS @crystalleigh
Day 4: @Calum5SOS I went to the trouble of adding the details too
Day 5: @Calum5SOS taking photos of everyone on his iPad... I’m convinced we have the same app
Day 6:

Ashton The Ashton stan
Day 7: Luke Hemmings realising there’s no filter
Day 8: c’mon now @Luke5SOS . It’s been over a week! I’m tired
Day 9: You know I went all out with the hair/ face/ striped top @Ashton5SOS
Day 10: @Ashton5SOS and I in the CALM merch
Day 11: me and my dog maisy as 5sos and their dogs Petunia and Duke
Day 12 (1): my dog maisy as South @Michael5SOS @crystalleigh @5SOS
Day 12 (2): the Wildflower music video recreated me this time @Michael5SOS @Calum5SOS @5SOS care to explain?
Day 13: this picture genuinely wasn’t planned but they look the same 🤯 @Ashton5SOS @5SOS
Day 14: really think I got this one down to a T @Michael5SOS @Luke5SOS @crystalleigh
Day 15: Wildflower Music Video recreated! @shmandeluca @5SOS
Day 16: Hi @Ashton5SOS I actually put a lot of effort into this one believe it or not
Day 17: rocking out like @5SOS
Day 18: @Ashton5SOS @Michael5SOS follow if this is adorable
Day 20: self explanatory
Day 21:
Day 22: recreating Luke because this picture is cute
Day 23: @Michael5SOS this took forever to edit actually
Day 24: @Ashton5SOS did I do it right?
Day 25: @Luke5SOS
Day 26: exposing myself for @Ashton5SOS
Day 27: @Ashton5SOS this one was hard
day 28: @Calum5SOS we mad
day 29: @Calum5SOS I took this in a box
day 30: recreation isolation style @LeighWildflower
did we do it right @Ashton5SOS @Luke5SOS
day 31: @Ashton5SOS i had to take the opportunity with my hair looking like this
day 32:thought i’d be a bit creative and make my own virtual version of the wildflower cover @shmandeluca @5SOS
day 33: @Luke5SOS it’s hard to do you justice
day 34: haters gonna say it’s fake
day 35: @shmandeluca did we do ur photography justice?
@valntyne_lrh @5SOS @Michael5SOS @Calum5SOS
day 36: @Calum5SOS did i do it?
day 37: @Ashton5SOS a recreation o didn’t know i needed
day 38: is this acceptable @Michael5SOS
day 39: @Calum5SOS helps us all stay positive through this time along with the masterpieces of music @5SOS release that keep us smiling
day 41: @Ashton5SOS we got stylish boots
day 42: mixing it up a bit. here’s outfits i put together. one with each of 5sos’ styles/ aesthetics.
1. @Calum5SOS
2. @Luke5SOS
3. @Ashton5SOS
4. @Michael5SOS
day 43: if Luke Hemmings sees this i want him to know 5sos makes me change my hair so much
day 44: @Michael5SOS i know you’ve been on “person”
day 45: me and @Geo84365005 could’ve taken ur places in the wildflower mv @Michael5SOS @Calum5SOS
day 46: @Ashton5SOS meme recreation
day 47: @Ashton5SOS i speak on behalf of everyone when i say we need more selfies
day 48: literally the best i can do so have 2 @Ashton5SOS @Michael5SOS @5SOS
day 49: i took some time off of twt to focus on blm. i’ll carry on posting these but i’m still going to mainly focus on blm because it’s what matters @Michael5SOS @Luke5SOS
day 50: i could never do @crystalleigh justice but here we are
day 51: if only i had a black cap @Michael5SOS
day 52: sometimes my creativity freighters me @Calum5SOS (not my meme)
frightens* fgs
day 53: my own take on @Calum5SOS multiphoto
day 54: the accuracy
day 55: just saying 😶
day 56: @Luke5SOS and petunia 🥺
day 57: @Ashton5SOS this is what i do in my spare time
day 58: me and all my friends on zoom

@Michael5SOS @Ashton5SOS @Luke5SOS @Calum5SOS @5SOS
day 59: me and @Calum5SOS be vibin
day 60: @Luke5SOS hope ur making/ enjoying music while ur off twt
i think i’m growing out of this thread so i’m going to unpin it soon. i love 5sos but i feel like i’ve recreated all the pictures i can
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