I’m about to share the most heart-warming #Covid19 story I’ve seen.

It takes place in a working class town, in a time filled with sadness. The hero isn’t a doctor, or a nurse.

He’s just a guy who goes jogging.

A Thread.

(Hint: it involves martial arts, Snow White, and a mask)
This is Jason Baird.  He’s a martial arts instructor who lives in Stockport, a working class neighborhood in Manchester, UK.

Like most other communities, the town is in lockdown due to #Coronavirus.

In order to stay active, James kept to his morning jogging routine.
Jason knew the kids in the neighborhood were all cooped up at home.

So on a whim, he decided to dress up as Spiderman.

This is what it looked like.

Yup, your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman just casually jogging through town.

And it gets better.
Because he was a martial arts instructor, when he jogged by, he’d do a kick or two, then wave at all the kids.

They’d look out their window and feel like everything was gonna be okay because Spidey had come to town.

And superheroes don’t let bad things happen.
It turns out Jason wasn’t the only one.

A friend of was also dressing up as Spidey!

So now you had the #StockPortSpidermen, both jogging on their morning routine, reminding kids to smile and that things would be okay.

And guess what?

It spread.
Soon, in Stockport and elsewhere, other superheroes started showing up.

Here’s Superman, Wonder Woman, and Flash. They went on their jogs and walks around town, cheering kids up - from a distance

Word is Cinderella's gonna be making the rounds this weekend, too
Here’s Batman.

Clearly he's Lego Batman because he's a riot.

( @arnettwill)
And here’s Captain America and Deadpool joining in.

Imagine that.  A verified @VanCityReynolds sighting way out in Manchester.

Now imagine being a kid and seeing all these superheroes, patrolling your town, during a time when even the adults are scared.

And wait, there's more.
When word started spreading, James asked people to donate to the @NHS.

Within days, someone using the name "Peter Parker" made an anonymous donation of £36,000.

Yup, £36,000 - enough to buy 4,000+ N95 masks and more.

All because a guy named Jason decided to make kids smile
When you're a kid, you don't know anything about viruses, pandemics, or epidemiology.

But you sure as hell know superheroes and movie characters.

And when random neighbors (err, superheroes actually) start patrolling your town, you just feel like everything will be okay.

This is how goodness spreads.  We don’t talk about it enough.

One mask (the Spiderman mask) turned into enough for 4,000 masks, which will save countless lives.

It’s proof that you don’t need to be a superhero to change the world.

You can just be a guy out for a jog.

You can follow @MuhammadLila.
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