This model seems familiar!

Remember Star Trek? The one originally based on the galactic exploits of [Albert] Christopher Pike? But CBS Execs thought that too obvious & hired a Canadian over-actor to be the hood ornament? Renamed him James Tiberius Kirk.

S1: E11-12

Episode 12
Big-Headed demons/grounded (never explained why) & couldn't create (could only lie & destroy).

These demons imprison people in an underground terror hoard while tricking them into procreating.

Captain Pike offered a glorious sex-slave trade to entice him to stay.

This Q Post seems to go with this thread. Fear Porn is an apt description of the 24/7 media coverage - that is for sure. But, then again, when was the last time the Global Economy was put into a Coma?

hmmm. Seems like the BIG Event is coming ~
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