#OTD in 1862, the first day of #BattleofShiloh is fought in southwestern Tennessee near a place called Pittsburg Landing. 65,085 Union troops led by General Grant would face off against 44,968 Confederate troops led by General Albert Sidney Johnston. #CivilWar
General Grant is leading the Army of the Tenneesee. Some of his Division Commanders included General Sherman, General McClernand, General Lew Wallace, & General Prentiss. #BattleOfShiloh #CivilWar
Union General Don Carols Buell would also be at the #BattleOfShiloh commanding the Army of the Ohio. His troops will figure prominently during the second day of the battle. #CivilWar
On the Confederate, General Albert Sidney Johnston is commanding the Army of Mississippi. His Corps Commanders are General Leonidas Polk, General Braxton Bragg, General William Hardee & General John Breckinridge. #BattleOfShiloh #CivilWar
"...we shall be fighting men of our own blood, Western men, who understand the use of firearms. The struggle will be a desperate one" - General P.G.T. Beauregard, who is also another prominent Confederate commander at the #BattleOfShiloh. #CivilWar
The name of "Shiloh" comes from a church that at the top of the hill near the center of the Union Line. The landscape of this area was not the most ideal spot to fight a battle - lots of forest with ridges, deep ravines, & swamps.
#BattleOfShiloh #CivilWar
"My god, we're attacked!" - words apparently spoken by Sherman when he out riding with his staff #OTD in 1862. Sherman, having believed there was no chance of attack, was caught by surprise when Confederate pickets opened fire upon him & staff. The #BattleOfShiloh had begun.
Around this time in 1862, Confederate General Albert Sidney Johnston is very near the front lines of the battle rallying some of his men to make a charge. He ends up getting shot in his right leg, behind his knee. Not noticing that he is wounded, he continues to lead his men...
Soon after being wounded, Johnston begins to slump in his saddle. One of his staff asks if he is wounded to which Johnston replies "Yes & I fear seriously". He soon loses consciousness once he is off his horse & soon after, passes away. #BattleOfShiloh #CivilWar
General Albert Sidney Johnston would be the highest ranking officer, Union or Confederate, killed during the #CivilWar.

He is buried in the Texas State Cemetery in Austin, Texas.
With the death of Johnston, General Beauregard is now in command of the Army of Mississippi. He immediately orders that Johnston's body be covered & that troops not be told that he has been killed. #BattleOfShiloh #CivilWar
The first day of the #BattleOfShiloh would see the Confederates drive the Union troops back from their positions they had held that morning.

By afternoon, some Union troops were making a very determined stand at a place that would become known as the Hornet's Nest. #CivilWar
This stretch known as the Hornet's Nest extends about 600 yards long & was the scene of very heavy combat #OTD in 1862. Confederates made several charges against this position but were repulsed by troops in Union General's Prentiss' & WHL Wallace's divisions...
Seeing the Confederate troops get repulsed, General Daniel Ruggles formed a line of artillery with over 50 guns & concentrated its fire on the Union lines in order to push them back.

This would be the largest concentration of artillery every assembled to that point in US history
Despite putting up a tough fight, Union troops are eventually surrounded by the Confederates & 2,200 are taken prisoner.

Even though he is captured, Prentiss & his men had bought some time for Grant to establish a defensive line near Pittsburg Landing. #CivilWar
Union troops have established themselves in a solid 3 mile long front around Pittsburg Landing. Part of Buell's forces have arrived to help reinforce Grant's Army of the Tenneesee. There are also 50 Union cannons as well as naval guns from vessels in the river. #CivilWar
Around this time in 1862, General Beauregard orders one final Confederate charge. The Union troops defend the attack sucessfully & Beauregard does not order another charge. Day 1 of the #BattleOfShiloh is over. #CivilWar
Thinking he has won the battle, Beauregard sends a telegram to Confederate President Davis annoucing a complete victory. #BattleOfShiloh #CivilWar

Beauregard's confidence is not shared by others around him. General Nathan Bedford Forrest says to Confederate General Patrick Cleburne...

"If the enemy comes on us in the morning, we'll be whipped like hell".

#BattleOfShiloh #CivilWar
Meanwhile, Grant has been waiting around all day for General Lew Wallace to arrive. While not at a JEB Stuart level of late, his absence has left Grant wondering where in the hell Wallace could be since he was supposed to have been there hours ago...

#BattleOfShiloh #CivilWar
Around this time in 1862, General Lew Wallace finally arrives at Pittsburg Landing, his troops having marched 14 miles over muddy roads. Confusing & misdirected orders had left Wallace countermarching his troops, thus delaying him. #BattleOfShiloh #CivilWar
On this night in 1862, Union troops have been pushed back to an easily defensible position by the river. They are sleeping in the rain, however, & the Confederate troops are now sleeping where they had the night before, many in Union tents... #BattleOfShiloh #CivilWar
General Beauregard, now occupying the land that Sherman's troops had the previous night, is sleeping in Sherman's tent.

Sherman when he finds out...

#BattleOfShiloh #CivilWar
"During the night the rain fell in torrents & our troops were exposed to the storm without shelter. I made my headquarters under a tree a few hundred yards back from the river bank" - General Grant on this night in 1862.

And this is where General Sherman finds him...

Sherman approaches Grant to bring up a plan for retreat. But when he sees Grant standing against the tree in the rain, he decides not to tell him. Instead he says...

"Well, Grant, we've had the devil's own day, haven't we?"

Grant responds...

"Yup. Lick 'em tomorrow though"
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