The Trump-Scalia Dept of Labor released new regulatory guidance for the new pandemic #unemployment assistance (PUA) program passed by Congress in the #CARESAct, and it’s criminally narrow.
While the program will cover #gigeconomy workers, it only extends to those who are “forced to suspend operations” because of #COVID19, leaving those who could still turn their apps on—even if they can’t find work—in a grey area.
While PUA will cover those who are caring for a child while school is closed due to #COVID19, that coverage could end when the regular school year is over.
The new benefit will only go to those who are out of work because of a #COVID19 infection or being directed by a doctor to quarantine because they have been exposed, not because they are older and avoiding work to lower the risk of infection.
The end result of the Trump administration’s guidance on PUA is that workers who are suffering economically may unnecessarily hustle for jobs, breaking quarantine at a time of great risk and reducing overall public health.
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