Disclaimer: this is not my original work. I have added some of my own words & thoughts to it, but the credit should go to cultured thug, who was banned from YT & Twitter.

We are in a self-spiritual dark age. To cure society we must first cure ourselves. If we want to live in a Golden Age we must exorcise the dark age within us.
“Kali Yuga must be defeated inside you, the Golden Age will first return in your soul. This mystery is unknown to the age of the Kali Yuga, because it is beyond the comprehension of animal-men.” — Miguel Serrano
You must work at improving yourself and use tools of improvement to get the desired results. One must force their own personal golden age into the material world.

Society is a macro expression of our collective selves.
All things emanate out and reverberate back in from our bodies like a torus field.

When we change the microcosm (our inward reality) we automatically set into motion the cogs of the macrocosm (our outward reality), and all around us the world changes with it.
“Complacency is cowardice, action is just. If you demand more of yourself you will have no other choice but to demand more of your surroundings."


The question is, “What would you die for?”

The answer will give you an idea of how high is your idealism.

Idealism is our much needed fuel of irrationalism that thrusts our rational selves forward into chaos.
It is through the envelopment of chaos that change occurs.

The nihilist has nothing to live for, but the idealist has everything to kill for. A fanatical love for metaphysical ideals are crucial to manifesting thought into action.
Search for authentic idealism is no easy task. Many pick ideals like a pair of shoes. You must discover a belief that invokes real reaction within you. Real enough to have it consume you — Where taking the ideal from the meta and bringing into the physical becomes an obsession.
True functional idealism comes from this obsession

“Everything is prior and death is before you.”

If Idealism is the hot blade fresh from the furnace, self discipline is the hammer with which you strike.
Master the control of your passions, emotions and weaknesses, and with this discipline you become closest to freedom.

Free from the lower instincts and frequencies of the succubus, the golem, and the kobold.
Discipline can be grown and strengthened as if it were a muscle. True discipline is not found in the absolute or the abstinent, but rather in moderation.

To completely indulge yourself is a lack of self control, but to completely abstain is fear of yourself.
“Self control is the chief element in self respect, and self respect is the chief element in courage.” — Thucydides

You are what you ate last week.

There are more nerve endings in your gut than in the rest of your body combined.

The gut is a living thinking thing, a control centre, along with the heart and brain. In your gut is bacteria, both good and bad.
Feed the bad bacteria, it will get stronger.

Feed the good bacteria, it will get stronger.

You are what you watched last week.

Consuming visual toxins through garbage television taints the purity of your mind, body and soul.
Our brain reacts to stimulus to trigger glands to release hormones to supply the body.
It also cannot separate reality from fiction, if you fool your brain into thinking you need to be in a state of high alert, your body will react by releasing cortisone & adrenaline into your blood stream.
If you make this perpetual, this state becomes the new normal.

This will create inflammation and sickness.

This involves the Reticular Activating System - research it, I will probs do another thread solely on it in the future.
You become what you think about most of the time. If you concentrate on pain and defeat you will breed resentment, and you will take no action.

Feed your body & mind properly to get the best results out of yourself. Take care of your body and mind and it will take care of you.

Lift weights. Get fucking yoked. Become rigid yet supple. Exercise is the easiest way to put your thought into direct action.

It is the greatest form of life insurance and the highest form of virtue.
“Training of the body must take precedence over training of the thought if it is to create and supervise its own ideas.”

If your body is weak your will is weak, and if your will is weak you will remain in those satin bracelets that are shackled upon you.
An aesthetic group of men will bring civilisations to heel.

No breath, no life.

Life energy is an undefinable force within us that bonds us all to the conscious world.

Mastering your breath is mastering yourself and your physiology.

WIM HOF and Nasal breathing are both great methods.
The benefits to life with breath control are countless: stressful situations, panicked states and high pressure moments can all be controlled through our breath.

To truly understand yourself is to truly understand all that is. For the inner cosmos and outer cosmos are mirrors of each other — As above so below.

Your behaviours & habits, your feelings — where, why, how do they come from?

Where can you make them take you?
If you know how to ask the right questions, the answers will materialise before you.

You cannot rush self-contemplation, and you must leave all preconceived notions at the door and be ready to accept what you discover.
You are not your job, your relationships, your family, your sports team, even your tribe.

These are all important, but u cannot hold on to them if you want the truth.

“Every breakthrough is a peeling back of yet another layer of that seemingly never-ending onion that is ‘I.’”
Those who do not explore themselves do not live, they merely exist.

We can never become who we aspire to be if we don’t even know who we are. Be aware of who you are so that no man can take advantage of your unawareness.
Because people are deficient in inner contemplation they have become slaves, plastic bags that billow in the wind created in other men’s wakes.

Do not overburden yourself with many battles. Slay one dragon at a time, slowly the carcasses will stack on top of each other. Focus on the next step ahead of you, not looking too far down the road.

Cleanse the subconscious to heal the conscious. We are intimately programmable beings. People like Edward Bernays knew it and changed the face of the earth with that knowledge.

Knowing this, we can also program ourselves.
Never utter negative affirmations upon yourself, it is akin to cutting yourself with a knife.

Where your awareness goes your energy flows.

“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t — you’re right.”
Silencing inner negativity can be achieved. There are many techniques: Meditation, yoga, self-imaging, journaling, mind movies etc.

Address your subconscious.
My favourite tool is simple: You must break the “thought-feeling feedback”.

Become aware of when you are thinking negatively, or stuck thinking about something you did in the past which you regret, or worried about something that is going to happen in the future.
This triggers a physiological feedback. Break out of this by returning to the present moment. Concentrate on your breath, how your body feels, what is directly in front of you.

Do this over and over again until you integrate it into your subconscious.
How do you know if any of these tools have worked?

When that inner negativity goes from a voice to a whisper and when your inner positivity becomes a functioning dialogue.

This is you at your true potential — physically, mentally, spiritually.

In tune with yourself, your surroundings and your idealism.

Welcome to the superworld.
However, do not rest on your laurels when you get here. You need to prove every day you belong in.

As Jocko said, “It’s a campaign.”
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I enjoy making them, so will carry on regardless.
You can follow @DiscoOrpheus.
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