over the past few weeks, my anxiety and depression have been crippling. it’s bad enough struggling with one, but when both become intertwined, to describe my state as crippling would actually be an understatement. i struggle to get out of bed, i’ve lost my appetite, (1)
i’ve become more peevish and bad-tempered, i’ve lost interest in things which once meant the world to me, and i’ve become more diffident about myself and the way in which people perceive me. however, the way in which i present myself on twitter, isn’t a testament of this. to (2)
a lot of people here, i’m known being “soft”, “calm” and “someone who has it all together.” the reason why i don’t like to talk about my struggles with my mental health on twitter is that i want my account to maintain the peaceful and welcoming aura, which, according to many (3)
of my mutuals, it exudes. but, the truth is that as much as i appear to have it all together, i really don’t. i overthink so much and so often, that my thoughts eat me on the inside. they cause me to cry to the point where i end up fainting. moreover, i’ve started to feel (4)
so out of place on stan twitter, as if i don’t belong here. unless one jumps on the bandwagon of watching a show or a film that their mutuals are raving about, there’s nothing for them to discuss and that can result in one feeling very lonely, even whilst being surrounded by (5)
people. now, some people might think that i have a communication issue, and that my connection with my mutuals shouldn’t solely be based on the shows and movies that we watch. but, i’m lucky to have mutuals who have turned into some of my closest friends, whom i’m able to (6)
discuss anything with, and for that i’m very grateful. however, the truth is that when you live with anxiety and depression, you can’t help but feel as though even the best things in your life will result in the worst case scenario. your insecurities end up becoming so (7)
prevalent, that it feels as though a tumultuous, dark storm will destroy everything that makes you happy. i won’t be sharing the story of why i struggle with anxiety and expression because it’s personal, and neither am i writing this thread to gain sympathy. i’m writing (8)
this thread to show that even those who appear to have their entire life in order, may be struggling even if they don’t show it. in today’s world, with the rise of multimedia technology and the consequent feeling of relative deprivation, we’ve become so self-absorbed in (9)
trying to maximise our individual goals, such as binging a series on netflix because we don’t want to miss out on the social media excitement when its new season releases, or gaining thousands of followers and likes on social media to reassure ourselves of our self-worth. of (10)
course, it’s human nature to achieve individualistic goals; everyone deserves to do something that makes them feel fulfilled and complete. yet, i often find myself pondering over just how much of this consuming nature our generation has adopted. essentially, our society (11)
has geared itself into becoming one which thrives on hyper-consumerism, a phenomenon deployed by capitalism. some people may feel as though i’m going off on a tangent, but i do believe that how we perceive and engage with the inventions of the modern world plays a crucial (12)
role in how we take care of our mental health. as individuals, we’ve allowed ourselves to become so consumed by these inventions, that we sometimes forget to take a minute to look around ourselves, and acknowledge that there are people who are struggling to take care of (13)
themselves mentally, and in reality, some of these people may even be our loved ones/people that we’re close to. in conclusion, i guess what i’m trying to say is that indeed, the inventions of the modern world are great because of the connect and the access that they bring, (14)
but let’s not permit ourselves to forget to look out for our loved ones/people we’re close to, because we’re guilty of becoming monopolised. (15/end of thread)
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