Fellow white ladies- Saying "I'm not a Karen!" instantly *makes you a Karen*.

Learning to STFU and just *listen* to black women is the greatest educational experience you can have on this thing. Keeping your mouth closed and your mind open isn't *that* hard. Try it. https://twitter.com/JuneSummer1/status/1247003869961318401
You know me. I'll tell you the truth. And the truth is, I was one of those women before I came to Twitter.

I'm poor and a Jew and I'm not WASP-y white. I thought that exempted me.

Then I came here and women of color hit me in the head with their intellect and their truth.
I realized my whiteness had nothing to do with my foundation shade or my bank balance.

My whiteness is determined by cops letting me go when I fuck up and security people not following me in stores. People not calling 911 when I lose my shit and yell at my husband in the street
I realized that black women have all my problems PLUS an infinite number of other ones unique to them.

It's not fucking fair. It's wrong and shitty. And all they're trying to do is get you to HEAR THEM.
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