Every single day, innumerable people in academia, journalism, entertainment, high tech, etc. spend their entire day screaming "Orange Man Bad is Hitler" from the top of their lungs. And this is progressive and apparently laudable. But if I question @Nigel_Farage's gushing at the
Queen's speech, well now I have crossed a line. Apparently, she is a heroic public servant who has been nothing but a selfless and humble servant to her subjects. Well, this Lebanese-Canadian subject does not bow to monarchs. I understand that she is a unifying force to some but
this does not imply that we cannot criticize the monarchy and those who engage in sycophantic gushing. Such is the pros and cons of living in a free society. You might have to be exposed to opinions that hurt your feelings. If you are a monarch, good for you. But at the very
least, respect those who don't share your adulation. The Founding Fathers of the USA were also not into the monarchs. I guess that they too were all mean Nazis right?
I reserve my admiration in the current global pandemic to the heroes who are putting THEIR LIVES on the line to protect us. I have little to no admiration to those who provide us with "uplifting speeches" from their 90-bedroom castles.
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