ok time for the moment none of you (except @calelliott) have been waiting for - my ranking of the made in chelsea cast! buckle in / unfollow!
61. Millie Wilkinson. Managed to be in four seasons without leaving any impression on me. I do not know this woman.
60. Freddie Brown. Knock-off Francis Boulle with all of the awkwardness and none of the endearing-ness OR storylines. Big tory energy.
59. Amelia Mist. Can’t get over that they cast this girl, so awkward and uncomfortable to watch? I feel stressed when she’s on screen.
58. Amber Atherton. Truly awful. Really glad she had to leave due to a drugs scandal, back in the day when the cast still had to leave due to drug scandals.
57. Richard Dinan. Mind-numbingly dull. Honestly no idea how he got recast for 5 whole seasons?
56. Mimi Bouchard. Seemed to think she was on Love Island and that ‘not being afraid to tread on the other girls' toes’ would work as her main character arc. Also, such a grating voice.
55. James Dunmore. Infinitely less iconic than his girlfriend Lucy Watson. Not sure he’s he said a single word across his 3 seasons. Hot though.
54. Eliza Batten. Barely had enough screen time to constitute main cast, but did have some great fashion moments across her 3 seasons.
53. Rosi Mai. Another new cast member who we don't really know anything about. Bonus points for not letting Jamie Laing gaslight her.
52. Ashley James. Her only plotline was being biphobic? It was kinda fun to watch her spend a whole season completely failing to grasp that Ollie also liking boys didn’t invalidate their relationship, and behaving increasingly erratically because of it.
51. Sophia Sassoon. Did one season, stamped on Francis’s and Proudlock’s hearts, and then ‘exposed’ the show in the press as fake – ‘revealing’ that she was a paid actor. Needless to say, nobody was shocked and it didn’t kickstart an iconic acting career for her.
50. Nicola Hughes. Alex Mytton’s Irish girlfriend. Pretty!
49. Julius Cowdrey. Urgh, such a wet flannel. Constantly whining and stirring but not in an interesting or iconic way.
48. Gabilicious Tristao. Barely more than a bit part, her only memorable moment was her boob-reduction party.
47. Sam Prince. Wannabe lad with no star power.
46. Ryan Libbey. So defensive and possessive and unable to communicate healthily. Can only hope that his and Louise’s relationship is much better off screen.
45. Fran Newman-Young. It was semi-iconic when she came back after, years after being dropped from the show, to expose Sam Thompson’s cheating ways. Her only memorable moment.
44. Frankie Gaff. Her and Jamie’s on-off relationship dragged on for about 3 seasons too many.
43. Digby Edgley. It's not his fault Liv Bentley is a complete chaos demon, but again, their on-off relationship storyline became really tired.
42. James Taylor. Really fell off when he did a big rant about how much he looked up to Jamie Laing, TO Jamie Laing while they were in the middle of an argument, and kinda cried at the same time? Also fell off when he fell out with fit Miles.
41.Georgia 'Toff' Toffolo. Actually made really good TV, but completely fell off by outing herself as a huge tory / helping to humanise Stanley Johnson.
40. Verity Bowditch. Likeable new addition to the cast.
39. Emily Blackwell. Somehow managed to keep getting recast despite never having a storyline. Good to see her finally getting involved in some drama.
38. Francis Boulle. Largely insufferable, but some great moments of standing up to / exposing Spencer.
37. Josh 'JP' Patterson. Actually kind and decent, unlike most of the boys. Nowhere near fun or self-assured enough for Binky, but a great, stable choice to have a baby with.
36. Tiff Watson. Nowhere near as iconic as her ice-queen sister Lucy Watson. Wish she’d just broken up with Sam Thompson the first time they both cheated on each other and saved us 4 more seasons of break ups and make ups.
35. Jess Woodley. Cool style and some good storylines I think? Romantically linked to Alex Mytton and Jamie Laing maybe? Friends with Toff before a big falling out? Idk I like her big orange fur coat.
34. Ollie Locke. Hate hate HATE the constant gurning.
33. Sam Thompson. Complete man-child. Cheated in every relationship, hates being held accountable, completely unable to communicate healthily in relationships. Wannabe Jamie Laing.
32. Alik Alfuss. SO annoying, but a far more compelling character than his love-rival for Louise, Ryan. #teamalik
31. Stevie Johnson. Pure soul. For ages his only storylines were being Andy Jordan’s friend, and not being a success with women. Then that weird fling with Steph Pratt! I kinda fancied him and maybe still do.
30. Agne Motiejunaite. Even though she was only in one season, her refusal to be the play thing of Fredrik and Frances was a highlight of Season 1. She nails her farewell remark: ‘I forgive you, but I also want to forget you.’ Feminist queen.
29. Tristan Phipps. Just very good looking and usually seen rising above the drama.
28. Cheska Hull. Hate that the show tried to make her into a tragic Bridget Jones figure just because she was like 27 and ‘chubby.’ Kinda funny and definitely loyal, if not the most entertaining character. Hope she's living her best life out of the limelight.
27. Kimberley Garner. One of the earliest villainesses of the show, Kimberley really made the most of her one season, causing havoc with her romantic entanglements. She still appears regularly in the Daily Mail (online), nearly a decade after exiting the series.
26. Jamie Laing. Complete man-child. Cheated in every relationship, hates being held accountable, completely unable to communicate healthily in relationships. Wannabe Spencer Matthews.
25. Hugo Taylor. A good voice of reason in the early seasons. Always well-dressed and coiffed and gets bonus points for being the founder of the show. Love that him and Millie end up together years later.
24. Gabriella Ellis. Really fun, if often painful, to watch from the very start. She’s had more than her share of completely bizarre moments, but ultimately comes off likeable. Glad we got to see her thriving in America years later in the LA series.
23. Melissa Tatten. Quite low key but her expressive face often really adds to a scene.
22. Rosie Fortescue. After a few feuds in the early seasons, Rosie managed to stay in the show for THIRTEEN more seasons, doing nothing but occasionally commenting on other people’s drama. Queen of giving us nothing.
21. Alex Mytton. How has Alex gone from being the ultimate villain - breaking our Binky’s heart and having orgies with Spencer - to just kinda hanging around without a storyline for about 7 seasons? That's growth.
20. Sophie Habbs. Sophie had SUCH promise when she joined, but really let herself down by pursuing successive relationships with complete man-children Sam and Jamie.
19. Andy Jordan. Best thing he did was go toe-to-toe with Spencer for Louise and (eventually) win. Before getting bumped for Alik. Can’t really remember what happened to him in the end?
18. Spencer Matthews. Awful and always has been. Normalises cheating on and gaslighting his girlfriends (‘It’s hard for me to respect you when you allow me to cheat on you!’) BUT he’s the yardstick and the original - the other boys can only dream of being him. A great TV villain.
17. Fredrik Ferrier. Serves no purpose other than looking gorgeous all the time. At his best when wearing a tight turtleneck. Can’t believe he’s still in the show but I’m really not complaining.
16. Olly Proudlock. Olly’s managed to be in nearly every season, while contributing almost no storylines. But he’s fit, has great style, and lends a sense of continuity to the show. I like him and his cool mum.
15. Phoebe Lettice-Thompson. The villain of her seasons, but did it all while serving us high fashion looks. Seasons 5 and 6 would’ve been a dud without her.
14. Funda Onal. Funda was the moral backbone of Season 1. We were led to believe she was unreasonable because…? She didn’t like that Spencer was cheating on her with Caggie?? Deserved better.
13. Louise Thompson. Unafraid to pick a fight for no reason, and with no taste in men, she's provided seasons of great TV. She’s a complex figure, having been both the victim and the villain in relationships. Narratively it’s dissatisfying that she ended up with someone so bland.
12. Harry Baron. Harry has provided some great TV - antagonising in turn, Jamie Laing, Sam Thompson, and Sam Prince – usually by calling out their shitty treatment of girls. I can never decide if I find him sleezy or fit.
11. Stephanie Pratt. Brilliantly cast, Stephanie ticks every box you’d want from a MIC star. She thrives from drama, has an expressive face, and doesn’t quite understand social norms. Vaguely feel like by the end of her stint she’d alienated all her friends? Sad if true.
10. Miles Nazaire. Not only is he beautiful, but also, part French!
9. Caggie Dunlop. Caggie was mischievous and fun, and her and Millie’s friendship was a highlight of the early seasons. She loses points for leading Spencer on for two seasons before moving to Australia ... not because I feel bad for him, but because it got kinda boring.
8. Victoria Baker-Harber. Acid tongued, exquisitely dressed, and usually rising above the actual drama of the show, Victoria’s commentary has provided some of the most memorable moments of the show. Namely, fat-fucking-turkey-gate.
7. Mark-Francis Vandelli. See Victoria Baker-Harber. Edges slightly ahead of Victoria by starring in one more season, and being (slightly) more camp.
6. Millie Mackintosh. A delight to watch at the start - throwing herself at Fredrik and Hugo, and hurling insults at Victoria and Rosie. Prefer her in the earlier seasons where she doesn't take herself as seriously. Responsible for the best scene in the whole show? (pictured)
5. Sophie Herman. Introduced as Mark-Francis and Victoria’s third, Sophie has truly become a great character in her own right. Her quirky style and her unique turns of phrase elevate every scene she’s in.
4. Binky Felstead. We’ve seen Binky grow up in front of her eyes and it’s been lovely. At the start she was the relatable, ditsy girl with bad extensions, but look at her now! She's been through such highs and lows, and remained so likeable throughout. A complete hun.
3. Maeva D’Ascanio. I know she’s only been in 2 seasons, but she's elevated the show so much. She's shaken up the tired storylines and lifeless cast by being completely unpredictable: in any given scene I have no idea if she’ll cry, scream, or undress to reveal gorgeous lingerie.
2. Lucy Watson. Genius casting, Lucy created memorable moments and stole scenes from day one. She’s seemed like a total bitch, but revealed just enough vulnerability that she was likeable in spite of this. Why is everyone getting up in her grill?
1. Olivia Bentley. I’m so glad they no longer throw you off the show for drug use, Olivia Bentley is the chaotic scene-stealer that the show was missing after Lucy left. Always gorgeous with her platinum hair, ageless face, and plummeting necklines, I don’t know a better woman.
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