Most of the clients who have wanted to see me over the past month are in high risk groups.

I have COVID-19. I didn’t have symptoms for weeks, but was still contagious. If I had been seeing clients, I would have been infecting them, & putting their families at risk. (1/5)
Not to mention the cab drivers, hotel works, & anyone else I came into contact with on my way.

I wanted to keep my health private, but as I continue to get emails asking if I’m considering dates, I feel the need to emphasize the risk you are taking when you act on desire (2/5)
I realize that often desire overpowers logic, but I caution all to be more proactive about protecting yourselves and your loved ones.

Admittedly, I am finding it difficult to not judge people who have are willing to put their families at risk for their selfish needs. (3/5)
Mild” symptoms only means not in the ICU. This virus is horrible.

I’m not posting this for sympathy, I am just genuinely shocked that the emails haven’t stopped despite NYC and DC being on a complete shutdown. (4/5)
Logging back off Twitter till May, but felt the need to use my privilege to share this & hope people can wake up a bit and start taking a more proactive role in their role in spreading Coronavirus. (5/5)
You can follow @ChelseaHarperx.
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