Calling Walker “unqualified” is not merely my opinion. Not long ago, the American Bar Association deemed Walker “not qualified,” writing in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee: “Mr. Walker does not meet the minimum professional competence standard necessary to perform
the responsibilities required by the high office of a federal district court judge.”

Calling Walker “inexperienced” is also not my mere opinion. Walker is only 38 years old. That’s a child-like age for a lifetime appointee to the circuit courts. And he hasn’t done much
in his 38 years. One of the reasons he garnered an unqualified rating is that, as a lawyer in private practice, Walker never led a trial. He’s produced no legal scholarship of note. He has taken only one deposition during his whole legal career. There’s nothing that recommends
him to this post, other than the fact that Mitch McConnell has known him since high school.
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