I've been quiet on here of late and this is due to us having Corona virus in our house. I haven't read many first-hand accounts of recovery so thought I'd post a short thread of our experience to hopefully enlighten, reassure and embolden resolve to stay safe at home.
Now to be clear this is just our experience and whilst I am extremely thankful we have dodged the worst of the virus I am fully aware that so many of all ages around the world have not been as fortunate and I pass on our sincere condolences to all that have lost loved ones.
I was the first to show any symptoms. Initially I put this down to a two-day hangover but the level of constant exhaustion was far worse than any brown bottle flu. This rapidly went into chills, aches and headaches. My nose became stuffy and burning and I lost my sense of smell.
I only noticed I'd lost my sense of smell when I thought that Vicks Vaporub had changed its formula as I couldn't smell a thing from the tub! I had a slight cough but no fever. We went into full isolation.
At this point it was no worse than a mild flu or bad cold, but things took a downward turn when I started to become very short of breath after doing nothing. I am a relatively fit 38 year old but was quickly breathing like James Gandolfini after a marathon....
Over the next few days it felt like I had been stabbed in the back of my left lung and I was gasping for breath when talking. It never got to the stage of panic or hospitalisation but on one evening I was very concerned that my lungs may never go back to normal....
Rest and paracetamol helped a lot and I was still able to look after the kids albeit slowly. Then my partner started with pretty much the same symptoms only more of a cough. With her being 25 weeks pregnant our concern levels were raised somewhat...
We contacted our local Doctors and midwife and they confirmed we most likely had covid-19 but to not panic and keep doing what were were doing and call if we got any worse. We thankfully didn't and we're still able to cover homeschooling and a bit of work in a tag team fashion.
God bless Netflix, Amazon prime and Plex during this time as they took a battering! Our kids came away relatively unscathed apart from one afternoon and night of ridiculously high fevers, night terrors and a few lethargic days. They were back to their usual crazy ways after that!
My breathing slowly got better, sense of smell gradually came back and aches abated. My partner took a bit longer but is pretty much back on track but it's been a wierd and scary few weeks. We were lucky!
It was awful for us, but I would not wish it on anyone as it has the unknown potential for such damage. I can clearly see how what we've had would be devastating for someone with pre-existing conditions or the elderly. So please do stay home to protect yourself and others.
Huge thanks to my parents and partner's mum along with the local community for all their support. Stay safe guys and I'm sure we'll be having beers together soon x PS shout if you need anything or I can help in any way
If you feel this thread could help someone or just put minds a bit at ease please do RT. Cheers guys x🙌 #Covid_19 #coronavirus
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