Good luck to JCPS & FCPS starting NTI for the first time today. Give yourself some grace today. Take breaks, have chocolate on hand, and use the bathroom whenever you need to. The first week is the toughest, but so was your first year of teaching. Three weeks in & I have advice.
2/ Ask parents what works for them. Collaborating with your child’s new teacher/parent will build trust and open communication. Keep it positive and solutions oriented.
3/ individualizing instruction isn’t just about students now. You r having to meet the needs of the family. Don’t feel like you must do it all at once. Often little things help the most...extra time, allow parents to read/scribe, cut the work down, & give them some grace too
4/ you will ultimately assign too much in the beginning & learn from it. We all did. If your admin requires more than u or stdnts can do, speak with them. They r learning too. Stdnts r on their own as parents are working even from home. This isn’t homeschooling. It’s survival.
5/ Mental health and basic needs are crucial now. You will have students in crisis (trust me...I know 😢). You can’t prepare yourself for it, but you will meet the needs of the child & parent. Then take care of yourself. It won’t be easy. Cry. Talk 2 someone. Rest. We r here 4 u
6/ Most import., accept that u will make mistakes, but u will also grow. This will change NTI n the future, but it will ultimately change how we see education as a whole. Inequities, needs, & what’s most important will be revealed. Eyes open, accept it, challenge it, & change it
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