I lose a point of precious, precious Gamer Cred if it's a game I haven't played.

The aesthetic had a distinct identity without immediately invoking the now exhausted 'arts and crafts' theme.
The over world is laid out like a compass and this feels extremely inorganic. https://twitter.com/SvenHolgersson/status/1247149454945378304?s=20
Scanning for a completionist run can get super tedious. https://twitter.com/steven_tuthill/status/1247149563007377414?s=20
I love the way it invokes lore for obscure celtic mythology and creatures and the game has great atmosphere. https://twitter.com/theLukeBaker/status/1247149835767209987?s=20
The game has a million cool ideas but the tortured development cycle led to almost all of them being fumbled in one way or another to get the game out the door. https://twitter.com/TheGreatSurf/status/1247149840573722625?s=20
The final boss, although thematically appropriate, comes out of nowhere and is so on the nose that it fails to resonate on a narrative level. It deflates Kuja as an antagonist and made most fans who played it on release just shrug. https://twitter.com/TheMonsterHunti/status/1247153671089065985?s=20
The battle system requires you to multi-task so many input systems at once that it can be overwhelming and sometimes it's best to just ignore the companion controls altogether.

Switch port only further aggravates control issues. https://twitter.com/yami_mommy/status/1247153804174331906?s=20
The level design, in an effort to be organic, can be super meandering and it can be difficult to figure out how you're supposed to get where you need to go. The often maligned sequel was much better at level layout. https://twitter.com/twills_w/status/1247154772018376704?s=20
The aggressive early Mario Party release schedule led to the series feeling over saturated at a period of Nintendo history where good games were few and far between, leading to resentment that we were getting THIS instead of a Mario 64-2 or whatever. https://twitter.com/VonXdecimo/status/1247155490536280064?s=20
The difficulty curve can be VERY uneven, especially in the challenge missions. https://twitter.com/BiezeKyran/status/1247156579977195526?s=20
The system for determining what ending you get is super arbitrary and for a player who struggled with the game play systems can cap the experience with a mood at odds with the player's philosophy of play. https://twitter.com/WTFVexxi/status/1247156299902726145?s=20
For instance, I had my husband Max play this game way back, and he got the Maria ending which aggravated him because he actively hated the character.
The game has aged very poorly in terms of controls and interface and can be really difficult to get back into today despite its beautiful depth. https://twitter.com/AhangingChad/status/1247158661560053760?s=20
Gau's special ability is either completely useless or completely breaks the game depending on how informed you are about its potential. https://twitter.com/unityrpg/status/1247159935844171776?s=20
The combat system is as stressful as it is exhilarating, leading to a much higher need for breaks and a higher risk of burn out compared to other Soulsborne titles. https://twitter.com/Pumalarios/status/1247160605695291392?s=20
Professor Layton plot revolve around seemingly supernatural events having rational explanations. The pay off for these mysteries are often WAY more improbable and stupid than if ghosts were real or whatever. Diabolical Box is the worst offender with this. https://twitter.com/ZessDynamite/status/1247163683593228288
The game retcons the ending of LeChuck's revenge so hard that it's frankly really confusing. I get WHY they did it, because shock ending of 2 fundamentally changes the premise, but the course correction was still super awkward. https://twitter.com/Buster_Klondike/status/1247170526604406792?s=20
Online multiplayer is built around rushing out early units to harass and overwhelm the opponent. The abuse of this strategy is extremely hostile to new players at a time when there was no real match making functionality. https://twitter.com/bbrsntd/status/1247171733381136386?s=20
The cast is colorful, well designed, fun, and rich with characterization. https://twitter.com/tinathecrow1/status/1247179091641536514?s=20
The climatic Meat Circus stage changes the gameplay style to punishingly lethal platforming and is janky enough to ruin the experience for some players. https://twitter.com/DragonRaygun/status/1247180377757794305?s=20
The game, its premise, and its characters are all adorable and is one of Nintendo's more overlooked IPs. https://twitter.com/DarkoHexar/status/1247180632947646466?s=20
Last of Us stands takes the engine of the Uncharted Series and actually does something much more narratively meaningful with it. https://twitter.com/Vistas_Reality/status/1247182644401537025?s=20
The writing of the original iteration of Spyro was super juvenile and was built around pointless slapstick violence as a punch line the vast majority of its jokes. https://twitter.com/PeachieAngel/status/1247185988914470913?s=20
Gamer points depleted thus far: 9.
WHY IS THE GAME SO LONG IT DOESN'T NEED TO BE THIS LONG JUST PACE IT LIKE A NORMAL ZELDA PLEASE https://twitter.com/Neko_Crimson/status/1247196098168569858?s=20
King's Field has all the subtle atmosphere and story telling of Dark's Soul but has the most miserable, kludgy controls that makes the series unplayable to anyone who does not have incredible patience. https://twitter.com/markwebbermagic/status/1247204885814292482?s=20
King's Field 2 (3 in Japan) has the same problems as 2 but makes the map even bigger and more convoluted rendering it even more hostile. https://twitter.com/twills_w/status/1247206876388962309?s=20
Gen 5 questions the morality of the franchise premise but squanders that exciting narrative space by concluding that anyone who questions the status quo is either naive, stupid, or secretly evil. https://twitter.com/TaleenLadas/status/1247207668294582274?s=20
It was one of the few PS1 era RPGs that successfully rivaled the scale and grandeur of a mainline Final Fantasy. https://twitter.com/EricVanDyke7/status/1247208657646911492?s=20
The support conversations frequently highlight how intensely banal and awkward Fire Emblem writing tends to be. https://twitter.com/NaglnearNaglfar/status/1247209371228164096?s=20
The ending is a vapid sequel hook that fails to land because the game spends its entire run time telling you it's stupid to care about the story. https://twitter.com/Foxsparrow1313/status/1247211194122985478?s=20
The ghosts in this franchise are legit unsettling which is communicated largely through its stellar animation. https://twitter.com/ArsDecader/status/1247213190154346500?s=20
The real story behind the adventures is so veiled and obscured that the vast majority of players can finish the game and not be able to articulate what the plot was about. https://twitter.com/mxngmetasoup/status/1247214152000528386?s=20
It *grits teeth* came out during a severe drought of point and click adventure games and I appreciate that it helped sustain the genre during its lowest point. https://twitter.com/rip_carnage/status/1247215447990206464?s=20
It was like one of two games I owned that REQUIRED a N64 memory card despite most games on the platform having battery back-up built in. https://twitter.com/CaptainQ/status/1247216079404818432?s=20
The retcon of the facility actually being a miles deep modular science testing hellscape is really weird when you go back to the original and poke around the mundane office spaces. https://twitter.com/jacdeswilliams/status/1247214996376838144?s=20
The controls are really sluggish and clunky in a way that highlights how Sakurai's Kirby games feel a million times better to play. https://twitter.com/Jayguy0010/status/1247216255846711297?s=20
The 'wall kick' puzzle was botched and is only really solved via trial and error. https://twitter.com/RicksWriting/status/1247219311523086336?s=20
The computer is horny for Princess Peach. https://twitter.com/Enderp12/status/1247221081976393729?s=20
But, who among us isn't?
The game isn't actually scary. https://twitter.com/elviskaboom/status/1247231429064310784?s=20
Like all Mega Man spin off series, Battle Network 2 refines the formula from the first to and kept things fresh before the remainder of the series begins its gradual decline into rehashing itself. https://twitter.com/Dustlord/status/1247235952684171264?s=20
Personally not a fan of the assault of social media updates from Alphys. https://twitter.com/pierretxr/status/1247238801166143490?s=20
Grinding for healing items is BACK!!! https://twitter.com/TheYosh/status/1247238959672881152?s=20
The music changing any time a bad guy gets near totally spoils one of the most emotionally charged sequences in the game. https://twitter.com/no0service/status/1247239955119607808?s=20
The worst part of every Kingdom Hearts is when you play through the plot of an existing movie verbatim but half the plot beats are cut out. https://twitter.com/KaineAndrews/status/1247242450961223680?s=20
The time travel described in the game is Saturday Morning Cartoon levels of thought out. https://twitter.com/White_Rice/status/1247245864524865536?s=20
Pinball Zone made my friend SungWon angry. https://twitter.com/Runic_SSB/status/1247246304910196746?s=20
Jedi/sith morality system served as a launchpad for other games to meditate on choice in games. https://twitter.com/Cheluna_/status/1247249421752045569?s=20
The game succeeds at combining plot contrivances of one franchise with the trial and error logical leaps of the other. https://twitter.com/GyeWyze/status/1247247663801618432?s=20
Playing it means my Internet isn't working. https://twitter.com/Quinncy_Blue/status/1247257940546826241?s=20
Kratos is a horrible, awful person and even focusing on him as a father fails to redeem him as a human being. https://twitter.com/bazoingo/status/1247259345701801984?s=20
Witcher Sense is only one step removed from 'follow the marker on your minimap to the next quest objective' as a shallow replacement for game play. https://twitter.com/biznatcha/status/1247260039959572480?s=20
The game runs through like an entire TV series worth of plot in the span of one game and the story feels kind of cramped as a result. https://twitter.com/TheSenorPenguin/status/1247261405511700481?s=20
There are more battle shrines than puzzle shrines and I miss real dungeons something fierce. https://twitter.com/vigvogdragon/status/1247279930489991168?s=20
19 gamer points depleted.
You only get to play as Coco in vehicle sections but I prefer her as a character. https://twitter.com/ChaserStringst1/status/1247295682257522689?s=20
The game is so large and open ended that it's possible to get yourself pretty deep yourself get somewhere that you're way in over your head but have no idea it's the wrong place to be. https://twitter.com/JorgeSoul1/status/1247297606977552384?s=20
I got stuck A LOT because the game is pretty confusing about the path for progress. https://twitter.com/GwenBojack/status/1247302910532292609?s=20
Its imitators completely overtook the 'puzzle' game genre to the point that matching blocks and colors is a more common game type than... actual puzzles. https://twitter.com/SWIMMlN/status/1247303785376088067?s=20
If you look past the dialogue and texture, at the end of the day it's just a dragon quest clone. https://twitter.com/windienine/status/1247307120397168640?s=20
There was a period of like five years after I played the game where if there was a big enough lull in conversation that there was a remote risk I'd go "NEVER FELT LIKE DUN DUh DUNdun dah" involuntarily. https://twitter.com/KrazyTheLampCat/status/1247308125012660225?s=20
What'ya MEAN there's no quick save?! https://twitter.com/benderstrike64/status/1247311991334723587?s=20
The opening act where the game introduces the entire cast one after another was super dull and put me off playing the game to completion for years. https://twitter.com/Pyro_dud/status/1247318011192754176?s=20
It took us what feels like a century to get over the idea that Melee was the only valid entry in the series to play. https://twitter.com/KankatoRYM/status/1247319846490009600?s=20
I've only watched Max play this, but it feels like the arrows do next to NO damage and you could burn through a lot of resources for a net loss in material. https://twitter.com/mahadaibrahim/status/1247325808680714240?s=20
The box art is super misleading about the tone of the game, implying it's a self-serious anime RPG when it's about as zooky as Brave Fencer Musashi. https://twitter.com/lyzzillie/status/1247434205639970816?s=20
It has an actual story mode which is a huge plus for me as a guy who is lukewarm on racers. https://twitter.com/DannyM999x_/status/1247614561718374400?s=20
I love that the Martin turned into a big dragon and bit the bad guy in the throat. https://twitter.com/Bmobmo64/status/1247616090202460160?s=20
Sector Z and Aquas SUCK https://twitter.com/ghostofchicken/status/1247618835647086593?s=20
The premise of the TV world is really goofy and I preferred the maybe-to-edgy midnight hour. https://twitter.com/VapourSnake/status/1247624240485920768?s=20
The ending was entirely too prescient https://twitter.com/CawAkiba/status/1247625325871316993?s=20
The gender politics of the game are garbage. https://twitter.com/EyriMitama/status/1247625557753434117?s=20
People get really excited about it and that makes me smile. https://twitter.com/DannyM999x_/status/1247618276911239168?s=20
Getting brought back to life after being devoured by flesh eating spores is a disservice to the character coming and going. https://twitter.com/EyriMitama/status/1247625326198489088?s=20
The Vile fights are rigged for plot reasons. https://twitter.com/AndrewSPfaff/status/1247626202514362371?s=20
It has a rad opening anime FMV https://twitter.com/jydmnd/status/1247627695778926598?s=20
The sprite animation can be really slick. https://twitter.com/LucienDodge/status/1247628191096696832?s=20
It's like 5 hours long, less if you know what you're doing https://twitter.com/AndromedaTL/status/1247628940501323777?s=20
The scenarios it can create are so dizzyingly specific that I love hearing about what the game can do even if it's completely inscrutable when I sit down to try it myself. https://twitter.com/Bobismyuserid/status/1247630167331266560?s=20
I've lost like 41 gamer points you guys I think I might be dying
This franchise has a style and identity that I don't think anyone else has been able to replicate. https://twitter.com/budder1007414/status/1247633542626017283?s=20
Labyrinth Zone https://twitter.com/machigiani/status/1247638058184380419?s=20
I had an existential crisis as a kid when I got far enough that the difficulty was so far beyond my skill level that it was impossible for me to save all of them. https://twitter.com/Mykorvek/status/1247638271695314945?s=20
The encounter rate on the overworld can be excruciating. https://twitter.com/BugbeeMr/status/1247642625928318977?s=20
It is, for better or worse, extremely Dragon Quest. https://twitter.com/Moontruther8/status/1247639861559021571?s=20
Watching Pikmin die still hurts and makes me feel like a bad dad. https://twitter.com/doesnthaveUNO/status/1247642469044551683?s=20
Colonialism in microcosm https://twitter.com/RazaTheChained/status/1247644721108996099?s=20
World of Light should've been about 2/3rds as long as it is or else have more variety in its scenarios. https://twitter.com/AlertArchitect/status/1247644911861669889?s=20
The cut scenes look like what 16 bit RPG cut scenes felt like when I was a kid. https://twitter.com/CallMeAdachi/status/1247645073942216705?s=20
The game is just complex enough to make me frustrated that it's a quarter munching arcade experience. https://twitter.com/MoodyTeenager00/status/1247646372549079040?s=20
It made my husband happy. https://twitter.com/gug9194/status/1247647010813075467?s=20
Stressful to the point of not actually being any fun. https://twitter.com/DnDean3326/status/1247646750682292224?s=20
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