Reading the Coronavirus Act this afternoon because I know how to enjoy myself.
Act contains power for DNA profiling and fingerprint data to be kept for 6 months longer than normal? đź‘€ But only if power is enacted in the next 3 months. Keep an eye out for that one, I guess...
I think I've seen people talking about this but - you can now be detained under the Mental Health Act with the agreement of one doctor, rather than two.
Reading through the stuff about police moving people on - might be the most useful to know about.
Schedule 21 gives police powers to "direct or remove" people who are "suspected to be infectious" to a "place of screening or assessment". It does not give them the power to send you home. They also need "reasonable grounds" to suspect you are infectious.
Schedule 22 is about events and gatherings, which seems to be the most potentially relevant to police moving people on outside.
Schedule 22 allows the government to order events to be cancelled and premises to be closed, and makes it an offence not to comply with this.
However, from what I can see (please correct me law nerds) there's nothing in here that applies to individuals who aren't premises owners or event planners.
There seems to be flexibility in Schedule 22 for the government to do quite a lot of things, e.g. closing parks might be possible. But there is nothing about what individuals can do in parks, or where individuals can go (unless you're trying to get into a place that's closed).
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