I'm going to start posting bits of my lockdown music selection. Upbeat songs I've listened to that take away some of the sadness about the current situation.
I'm not one for sad or angry music, but something cool, fun, or funky? That's what keeps me going.
Expect a varied lot.
Let's start off with Siamés's Summer Nights.
A late release from last summer, from a band I appreciate but don't normally love. This one has a really summery vibe to it and the video nails the imaginary nostalgia factor.
Magnum Bullets, by Night Runner. Vocals and writing by Dan Ativan, of Ninja Sex Party and Skyhill fame. A very cool song, a video reminiscent of Caravan Palace that puts more emotion into 3 minutes than most movies manage.
Bloodywood is one of my favourites. An Indian metal band, who do absolutely stellar original work. The released a new song last week about losing loved ones, in particular pets. Used the proceeds of their last tour to buy a pet hospital a van.
Foxy Shazam's Holy Touch - fronted by Eric Nally, who is about as close to embodying Freddie Mercury's energy you can get. Very classic rock vibe.
OK Go needs no introduction nowadays. They should already be a staple of your listening. Pick any of their songs, really.
The Longest Johns, purveyors of sea shanties and other great vocal work, covered a working song sung by debt enslaved robots on a prison planet in a video game. That's one hell of a mix.
I know they're a very popular band to hate, especially among people with a dose of folk music snobbery. But I enjoy Mumford & Sons, and in my book all music needs to be is enjoyable to be worth my time.
Wilder Mind is probably their best album.
Of Monsters and Men is perhaps my all-time favourite band. They keep coming up with fresh and new stuff, with thought-provoking lyrics and tunes you'll find yourself repeating in your head when you aren't paying attention.

Human is a piece of brilliance.
Music doesn't have to be serious and have thought provoking lyrics to be enjoyable. Sometimes it can just be silly and make you a laugh.
Wind Rose's number here has the refrain "I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole. Diggy diggy hole." and it's The Best.
In a similar vein, Gloryhammer is always good for some upbeat silliness. And I mean, who doesn't want to set the universe on fire sometimes?
After some metal, you need to relax your mind, and what better band to do that with than Gorillaz. Humility takes us back to that summer vibe, and has extremely apt lyrics for those of us yearning for human contact right now.
Let's add a few more silly numbers to this thread!

We're starting off today with one of my absolute favourites for cheering up. It's from an unknown Japanese artist, Halfby, and it's the single most upbeat and cheerful piece of music ever made.
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