Anyone familiar with the Hopi Prophecy of The Blue Star Kachina? C/19 Y4? ATLAS...the color? All this strange stuff going on around the globe. The military & everything for the FLU? What are comets called? Think about what it REALLY means. There's more.
Think about why all the sudden so many elites are "stepping down", now Megan & Harry are going to dip many many many others acting strange. The Queen. POTUS doesn't want to scare anyone. The rumors of "Saving Children"...
...YES! "THEY" want to save the children & the strong & able bodied. Think about all this prepping. Masks/Ventilators/Generators/Hospital many other things. We all KNOW hospitals aren't full, not even half.
So why all this prepping? Remember the flu has killed MUCH more!! This was all staged to get things done. Test us. It's coming & there is NOTHING we can do about except be freaking kind to each other! WE NEED EACH OTHER NOW! Lots are not going to make it.
What about all this military the water! Ships, subs...and oh, trains full of tanks and all terrain ground vehicles. Cheyenne mountain? Millions of body bags???? FEMA/DOD...they are prepping. Have you noticed who's missing from....
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