Never more disgusted than at @SarahChampionMP who praises a government that has made 1.5 million destitute while attacking sex workers calling for an end to criminalisation. Callous and out of touch.
Women still in court for loitering & soliciting or arrested as suspected vectors of disease. Yet you didn’t call for end to criminalisation of sex workers.
Exit services for sex workers? Into what? Universal Credit? If people can’t live on £94 a week sick pay then how are we or anyone supposed to live on £79 UC?
We demand emergency payments, housing, rent and bills relief and status as workers so we can get the same entitlements as others. During tragic Ipswich murders when imperative was to get women off the street they put money in women's hands, why not now?
Sarah Champion is a liar. Sex worker orgs don't call for decrim of pimps but still she pumps out fake news. Who she calls pimps are women working together for safety, prosecuted for brothel-keeping. We’re defending ourselves & winning v criminalisation. 
We demand full decriminalisation so whatever our situation we aren’t running from the police. Yet @SarahChampionMP complains to Tory architects of austerity, mass poverty, destitution and misery about sex workers demanding SUPPORT NOT CRIMINALISATION.
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