The covid-19 virus is increasing need for more resources from non-profits. In turn necessary restrictions are putting more pressure on their ability to meet needs. This is a thread on ways for you to help. I know many are struggling so please only do what you are able đź’™
1. Help sustain non-profits:

As population of affected individuals expands, nonprofits may face shortages of volunteers able to deliver services. Consider reaching out to nonprofits to see if there are needs you can safely support.
2. Advocate
Be a voice for vulnerable populations & nonprofits you care about. Encourage others in your network who are able to contribute. Reach out to local charities and ask how you can best support them with your time, keeping safety in mind.
3. Donate
Consider increasing support to organizations serving vulnerable populations or other organizations directly responding to spread of COVID-19 both locally and nationally, without decreasing support of other charities you support.
Reach out to your local non-profits to see where you can help. Some food banks are running low on food and some free clinics on supplies. I was able to have alcohol swabs shipped to a clinic and food to our Rescue Mission. You can do this from your computer so no risk to you!
Hope you found ways in this thread you can help others. It is going to take us acting as a village to help each other through this. Please do what you can and do it with love. In the end love wins ❤️

/end thread
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