Wow!! I was not expecting this! After Sarah Swain's speech at a #DouglasCoComm meeting, I thought she was positioning herself up to run for our DA. Turns out, it's another at her law firm that's running...and I fully support him! Here's why...1/6
I used to work with him before he was a lawyer! We were both delivery drivers at the same place. My experience was he was a trustworthy, fully competent good guy. And get this, years later I got pulled over and a cop found a pipe in my car...2/6
I decided to lawyer up, and at the time was working at Rudy's. I had delivered to the Swain law firm. Through NO fault of mine, (Rudy's sucks at how they are set up for delivery times) it had been over an hour, and still the law firm tipped well. 3/6
Plus Sarah still had her wonder woman chocking out a cop poster up, so I decided to call her law firm. I left a message. I get a call back, and it's Cooper, asking if it's Flowers who he used to work with. I say yes, and we talk old times, and then he offers me a discount! 4/6
Since then I've seen him at #DouglasCoComm arguing for reform. If Branson's so progressive that he's no longer prosecuting minor pot charges then why haven't I and others I know who've been put through drug classes & diversion costing us $ getting refunds for what he put us thru?
For the record, Branson has been office since 2005. It took him till 2019 to decide to no longer prosecute minor pot charges. Is this really the "liberal" who we want representing Lawrence values?!?
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