Thread of the worst types of users of Twitter dot com
The "African Pride" Twitter
-Believe that racism can only go one way
-Often resort to physical threats
-White people are evil by nature
-Proud of their "culture" even though the majority is as American as McDonald's induced diabetes
The "anonymous" Twitter
-Make full use of the fact that they are hidden behind an online profile to say some borderline hate speech stuff
-Will never think about what they say because there are no consequences to their actions
The "I have Sex" Twitter
-Retweets every tweet by their fellow "I have sex" Twitter users because they have sex too and they need to show it
-Often feel the need to explain exactly how the deed was performed to strangers on the internet
-is that a mother fucking SEX reference?
The Glory Hounds
-not interested in any type of relationship, people are numbers to them
-steals tweets
-only cares about the number of followers
-"unfollow spree!😅😣😅😣"
The Simps
-invade threads in order to protect the damsel in distress
-nut over a "thank you"
-feels entitled to their victim's love because they are nice to them
-Most are actually horrible people who show their true colors when rejected
The "." Twitter.
-Uses . To make a statement.
-feel like they own the truth.
-need validation or else they might cry.
-only really pop off when they make bold claims that they then proceed to not explain, relying on others in this thread to do it.
You can follow @olliedunk80.
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