For obvious reasons, right now reminded that weeks ago we were similarly being told to be nice to an infamously nasty MP because they claimed to have contracted the virus...and once they were given the all clear, people went instantly back to attacking them.
I understand human decency, moral high ground, etc. But speaking as someone who was used and abused from a young age, I find it very awkward we're to act like these people who have literally toyed with millions of lives are tragic victims when their luck fails.
I'm sure me saying this will disgust many. But I didn't arrange to infect the individual in question, I'm just one of their millions of victims in their selfish campaign to throw an entire country over the cliff.
Now we have to pretend karma is unfair?
Assuming this individual pulls through, what are you expecting? That they'll do a 180, atone for their misdeeds and genuinely protect others?

I can tell you first hand, serial abusers don't learn that lesson. Escaping karma just makes them bolder.
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